Chemical Physics Letters, 2001, V 341, N 1-2, 15 June.
Instructions to Authors
Jцrg P. Kottmann, Olivier J.F. Martin, David R. Smith and Sheldon Schultz
Dramatic localized electromagnetic enhancement in plasmon resonant nanowires
K. Pussi, M. Lindroos and C.J. Barnes
A tensor LEED study of an unusual cyclic hydrocarbon
intermediate formed by benzene adsorption on Co(10[$\bar{1}$]0)
Vl.A. Margulis and E.A. Gaiduk
Dielectric function of single-wall carbon nanotubes
F. Angeli, T. Charpentier, S. Gin and J.C. Petit
17O 3Q-MAS NMR characterization of a sodium
aluminoborosilicate glass and its alteration gel
Yasushi Hirose, Hiroharu Yui, Masanori Fujinami and Tsuguo Sawada
Ultrafast refractive index change induced by
photoisomerization of an azobenzene derivative: contribution
of solvation dynamics of solvent molecules
Robin K. Lammi et al.
Quenching of porphyrin excited states by adjacent or distant
porphyrin cation radicals in molecular arrays
R. Mukhopadhyay, S. Mitra, I. Tsukushi and S. Ikeda
Order-disorder transition in pyridinium iodide: quasi-elastic
neutron scattering study
Supratim Guha Ray and Ron Naaman
The role of the composition of organic layer in determining
its electronic structure
Dorte Madsen et al.
Coherent vibrational ground-state dynamics of an
intramolecular hydrogen bond
C. Zenz et al.
Dissociation of hot excitons in ladder-type polymer
light-emitting diodes
Kenji Sakota et al.
Electronic and infrared spectra of jet-cooled
4-aminobenzonitrile-H2O. Change of NH2 from proton acceptor
to proton donor by CN substitution
Joel R. Carney and Timothy S. Zwier
Conformational flexibility in small biomolecules: tryptamine
and 3-indole-propionic acid
Ken-ichi Saitow, Hideyuki Ohtake, Nobuhiko Sarukura and Keiko Nishikawa
Terahertz absorption spectra of supercritical CHF3 to
investigate local structure through rotational and hindered rotational motions
Shaun A. Carl, Trevor Ingham, Geert K. Moortgat and John N. Crowley
OH kinetics and photochemistry of HNO3 in the presence of
water vapor
Wies[\mbox{\Elzxl{l}}]aw Wiczk et al.
Mechanism of fluorescence quenching of tyrosine derivatives
by amide group
Sergey A. Nizkorodov, Warren W. Harper and David J. Nesbitt
Fast vibrational relaxation of OH(v=9) by ammonia and ozone
Aloke Das, K.K. Mahato and Tapas Chakraborty
Excimer formation in jet-cooled 2-methoxynaphthalene clusters
Hsin-Yi Liao, Ming-Der Su and San-Yan Chu
A stable species with a formal Ge C triple bond - a
theoretical study
A.G. Vanakaras and D.J. Photinos
The smectic phase of spherical-fan-shaped molecules. A
computer simulation study
Marie-Anne Hervй du Penhoat et al.
Linear-energy-transfer effects on the radiolysis of liquid
water at temperatures up to 300°C - a Monte-Carlo study
S.I. Doronin, E.B. Fel'dman, I.Ya. Guinzbourg and I.I. Maximov
Supercomputer analysis of one-dimensional multiple-quantum
dynamics of nuclear spins in solids
Ana Sanjuбn, Manoj Narayana Pillai, Mercedes Alvaro and Hermenegildo Garcнa
Topological quenching of 2,4,6-triphenylpyrylium
tetrafluoborate in anionic micelles
WiesElzxaw Wiczk et al.
Determination of stoichiometry and equilibrium constants of
complexes of tyrosine with cyclodextrins by time-resolved
fluorescence spectroscopy and global analysis of fluorescence decays
SElzxawomir Berski, Adrian R. Jaszewski and Julia Jezierska
The view on the C=N-O group in the RHC=NO (R=H,BH2,CH3,NH2,OH,F) iminoxy
radicals by means of electronlocalisation function (ELF)
C. Jayaram, R. Ravi and R.P. Chhabra
Calculation of self-diffusion coefficients in liquid metals
based on hard sphere diameters estimated from viscosity data
Yuko Kumeda, David J. Wales and Lindsey J. Munro
Transition states and rearrangement mechanisms from hybrid
eigenvector-following and density functional theory. -
Application to C10H10 and defect migration in crystalline silicon
Tomasz Durakiewicz and Stanislaw Halas
Calculation of ionization potential of small yttrium and
lanthanide metal clusters
R.J. Marsh and A.J. McCaffery
Predicting inelastic rovibrational state distributions from
an energy constrained angular momentum mechanism