Chemical Physics Letters, 1998, V 293, N 1-2, 11 September.
H.Z. Yu, J.S. Baskin, B. Steiger, C.Z. Wan, F.C. Anson, A.H. Zewail,
Femtosecond dynamics of metalloporphyrins: electron transfer and energy
pp. 1-8
Gunnar Jeschke, Hans Wolfgang Spiess, NMR-correlated high-field electron
paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy,
pp. 9-18
Klaus Siglow, Robert Neuhauser, Hans Jürgen Neusser, Rotational analysis of
the ground state of the Benzene·Ne van der Waals cluster cation by resolved
high Rydberg spectroscopy,
pp. 19-25
H. Härle, A. Lehnert, U. Metka, H.-R. Volpp, L. Willms, J. Wolfrum, In-situ
detection of chemisorbed CO on a polycrystalline platinum foil using
infrared--visible sum-frequency generation,
pp. 26-32
Daniel T. Bowron, Adriano Filipponi, Colin Lobban, John L. Finney,
Temperature-induced disordering of the hydrophobic hydration shell of Kr
and Xe,
pp. 33-37
Seiji Toyoda, Michiya Fujiki, Photoluminescence and absorption spectra of
poly(pentylphenylsilylene). Absence of broad photoluminescence of
poly(alkylarylsilylene) around 2.7 eV,
pp. 38-42
M. Martini, F. Meinardi, A. Scacco, Impurity-induced thermally stimulated
luminescence of KMgF3:Ce3+ crystals,
pp. 43-46
B.C. Satishkumar, A. Govindaraj, Rahul Sen, C.N.R. Rao, Single-walled
nanotubes by the pyrolysis of acetylene-organometallic mixtures,
pp. 47-52
P.J.F. Harris, S.C. Tsang, A simple technique for the synthesis of filled
carbon nanoparticles,
pp. 53-58
Yuzuru Kurosaki, Toshiyuki Takayanagi, A direct isomerization path for the
H6+ cluster.,
pp. 59-64
Margaret A. Workman, Joseph S. Francisco, Molecular structure and
energetics of BrOx radicals (where x=1, 2, and 3),
pp. 65-71
Thomas Müller, Sotiris S. Xantheas, Holger Dachsel, Robert J. Harrison,
Jaroslaw Nieplocha, Ron Shepard, Gary S. Kedziora, Hans Lischka, A
systematic ab initio investigation of the open and ring structures of
pp. 72-80
István Mayer, Gerd Räther, Sándor Suhai, Wannier-type orbitals derived from
Mulliken's population analysis,
pp. 81-89
Minh Tho Nguyen, Steven Creve, Tae-Kyu Ha, On the formation of the
·CH2CH2CH=NH2+ distonic radical cation upon ionization of cyclopropylamine
and allylamine,
pp. 90-96
Hyo-Sug Lee, Young-Kyu Han, Myeong Cheol Kim, Cheolbeom Bae, Yoon Sup Lee,
Spin-orbit effects calculated by two-component coupled-cluster methods:
test calculations on AuH, Au2, TlH and Tl2,
pp. 97-102
Anne B. McCoy, Comparison of self-consistent field treatments of kinetic
couplings in calculations on polyatomic molecules,
pp. 103-109
Dimitris Sakellariou, Paul Hodgkinson, Lyndon Emsley, Quasi equilibria in
solid-state NMR,
pp. 110-118
Song-Ho Chong, Fumio Hirata, Effect of molecular symmetry on electrical
potential fluctuations of solvent around solute in polar liquid,
pp. 119-126
Katharine L. Reid, Geometrical effects in the spin polarization of
molecular photoelectrons,
pp. 127-134
Ennio Lazzarini, The Smoluchowski equation for positronium atom reactions,
pp. 135-137
I.S. Osad'ko, N.N. Zaitsev, Are there charged two-level systems in
pp. 138-144
Mauro Rustici, Mario Branca, Antonio Brunetti, Carlo Caravati, Nadia
Marchettini, Inverse Ruelle--Takens--Newhouse scenario in a closed
unstirred cerium-catalysed Belousov--Zhabotinsky system,
pp. 145-151