Canadian Mineralogist, 2002, V 40, N 2, April.
The Cabri Issue: Preface
T.T. Chen, J.E. Dutrizac, and J.L. Jambor
Pages 273-276
Platinum-Group Minerals: Ore Mineralogy
Magmatic and hydrothermal platinum-group minerals and base-metal sulfides
in the Baula complex, India
T. Auge', I. Salpeteur, L. Bailly, M.M. Mukherjee, and R.N. Patra
Pages 277-309
Relationship between PGE and PGM in the Bushveld Complex
R.G. Cawthorn, C.A. Lee, R.P. Schouwstra, and P. Mellowship
Pages 311-328
Sobolevskite, taimyrite and Pt2CuFe (tulameenite?) in complex massive talnakhite
ore, Noril'sk orefield, Russia
N.J. Cook, C.L. Ciobanu, R.K.W. Merkle, and H.-J. Bernhardt
Pages 329-340
Botryoidal platinum, palladium and potarite from the Bom Sucesso Stream, Minas
Gerais, Brazil: compositional zoning and origin
M.E. Fleet, C.M. de Almeida, and N. Angeli
Pages 341-355
Composition and paragenesis of Pt alloys from chromitites of the Uralian-laskan-
type Kytlym and Uktus complexes, northern and central Urals, Russia
G. Garuti, E.V. Pushkarev, and F. Zaccarini
Pages 357-376
The platinum-group minerals in the upper section of the Keivitsansarvi Ni-Cu-PGE
deposit, northern Finland
F. Gervilla and K. Kojonen
Pages 377-394
Pt-Fe nuggets derived from clinopyroxenite-dunite massifs, Russia: a structural,
compositional and osmium-isotope study
K.N. Malitch and O.A.R. Thalhammer
Pages 395-418
An unusual occurrence of Pd, Pt, Au, Ag and Hg minerals in the Pilbara region of
Western Australia
E.H. Nickel
Pages 419-433
Platinum-group minerals and other detrital components in the Karoo-age Somabula
gravels, Gweru, Zimbabwe
T. Oberthu"r, T.W. Weiser, L. Gast, R. Schoenberg, and D.W. Davis
Pages 435-456
New data on vincentite
M. Tarkian, K.-H. Klaska, and E.F. Stumpfl
Pages 457-461
Composition of the platinum-group minerals in the Salmon River placer deposit,
Goodnews Bay, Alaska
N.D. Tolstykh, J.Y. Foley, E.G. Sidorov and K.V.O. Laajoki
Pages 463-471
Coarse-grained cabriite from Noril'sk, Russia
G.C. Wilson, J.C. Rucklidge, and C. Cermignani
Pages 473-479
Platinum-group minerals in chromitite xenoliths from the Onverwacht and
Tweefontein ultramafic pipes, eastern Bushveld Complex, South Africa
F. Zaccarini, G. Garuti and R.G. Cawthorn
Pages 481-497
Phase-Equilibria Studies in Sulfur-Bearing Systems
The system Fe-Os-S at 1180?, 1100? and 900?C
S. Karup-M?ller and E. Makovicky
Pages 499-507
The system Fe-Pt-S at 1100?C
J. Majzlan, M. Makovicky, E. Makovicky, and J. Rose-Hansen
Pages 509-517
The system Fe-Rh-S at 900? and 500?C
E. Makovicky, M. Makovicky, and J. Rose-Hansen
Pages 519-526
Collectors of Pt, Pd and Rh in a S-poor Fe-Ni-Cu sulfide system at 760?C:
experimental data and application to ore deposits
A. Peregoedova and M. Ohnenstetter
Pages 527-561
Phase equilibria in the system Zn-Fe-Ga-S at 900? and 800?C
T. Ueno and S.D. Scott
Pages 563-570
The system PtS-PdS-NiS between 1200? and 700?C
S.M.C. Verryn and R.K.W. Merkle
Pages 571-584
Geochemistry and Ore Mineralogy
Corrosion mineralogy of an 1800 Spanish Piece of Eight
J.R. Craig, J.E. Callahan, J.T. Kimbell, and T.N. Solberg
Pages 585-594
Platinum-group elements in basalts from Maui, Hawai'i: low abundances
in alkali basalts
J.H. Crocket
Pages 595-609
Mineralogy and sulfide mineral chemistry of the Neves-Corvo ores, Portugal:
insight into their genesis
O.C. Gaspar
Pages 611-636
Selenium, tellurium, arsenic and antimony contents of primary mantle sulfides
K.H. Hattori, S. Arai, and D.B. Clarke
Pages 637-650
Crystal Structures and Crystal Chemistry
Platinum-group minerals from the Wellgreen Cu-Ni-PGE deposit, Yukon, Canada
A.Y. Barkov, J.H.G. Laflamme, L.J. Cabri, and R.F. Martin
Pages 651-669
Laflammeite, Pd3Pb2S2, a new platinum-group mineral species from the Penikat
layered complex, Finland
A.Y. Barkov, R.F. Martin, T.A.A. Halkoaho and A.J. Criddle
Pages 671-678
Menshikovite, Pd3Ni2As3, a new platinum-group mineral species from two layered
complexes, Russia
A.Y. Barkov, R.F. Martin, Ya.A. Pakhomovsky, N.D. Tolstykh, and A.P. Krivenko
Pages 679-692
A solution to the crystal structures of bismutite and beyerite
J.D. Grice
Pages 693-698
The use of end-member charge-arrangements in defining new mineral species and
heterovalent substitutions in complex minerals
F.C. Hawthorne
Pages 699-710
Hongshiite, PtCu, from itabirite-hosted Au-Pd-Pt mineralization (jacutinga),
Itabira District, Minas Gerais, Brazil
R. Kwitko, A.R. Cabral, B. Lehmann, J.H.G. Laflamme, L.J. Cabri, A.J. Criddle,
and H.F. Galbiatti
Pages 711-723
Cobaltarthurite, Co2+Fe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)2?4H2O, a new member of the arthurite group
J.L. Jambor, J. Vin~als, L.A. Groat and M. Raudsepp
Pages 725-732
The crystal structure of cobaltarthurite, Co2+Fe3+2(AsO4)2(OH)2?4H2O: a Rietveld
M. Raudsepp and E. Pani
Pages 733-737
Tischendorfite, Pd8Hg3Se9, a new mineral from Tilkerode, Harz Mountains, Germany
C.J. Stanley, A.J. Criddle, H.-J. Fo"rster, and A.C. Roberts
Pages 739-745