Table of Contents Volume 39, Number 6, December 2001 The occurrence and origin of zabuyelite (Li2CO3) in spodumene-hosted fluid inclusions: implications for the internal evolution of rare-element granitic pegmatites Alan J. Anderson, Alan H. Clark, and Samantha Gray Pages 1513-1527 Abstract Boron depletion controlled by the breakdown of tourmaline in the migmatite zone of the Aoyama area, Ryoke metamorphic belt, southwestern Japan Tetsuo Kawakami Pages 1529-1546 Abstract Metamorphic evolution of spessartine quartzites (coticules) in the high-pressure, low-temperature complex at Bahia Mansa, Coastal Cordillera of south-central Chile Arne P. Willner, Sabine Pawlig, Hans-Joachim Massonne, and Francisco Herve Pages 1547-1569 Abstract The phyllosilicates in diagenetic-metamorphic rocks of the South Portuguese Zone, southwestern Portugal Isabel Abad, Maria Pilar Mata, Fernando Nieto, and Nicolas Velilla Pages 1571-1589 Abstract The adsorption of [Au(HS)2]- on kaolinite surfaces: quantum chemistry calculations Hong Hanlie, Fu Zhengyi, and Min Xinmin Pages 1591-1596 Abstract Mineralogy and geochemistry of suspended sediments from groundwaters associated with undisturbed Zn-Pb massive sulfide sediments, Bathurst mining camp, New Brunswick, Canada Matthew I. Leybourne Pages 1597-1616 Abstract Quantitative phase-analysis by the rietveld method using X-ray powder-diffraction data: application to the study of alteration halos associated with volcanic-rock-hosted massive sulfide deposits Thomas Monecke, Sibylle Kohler, Reinhard Kleeberg, Peter M. Herzig, and J. Bruce Gemmell Pages 1617-1633 Abstract The gibbs free energy of nukundamite (Cu3.38Fe0.62S4): a correction and implications for phase equilibria Robert R. Seal II, E. Esra Inan, and Bruce S. Hemingway Pages 1635-1640 Abstract Felbertalite and related bismuth sulfosalts from the Funiushan copper skarn deposit, Nanjing, China Gu Xiang-Ping, Makoto Watanabe, Makio Ohkawa, Kenichi Hoshino, Yasuhiro Shibata, and Chen Desong Pages 1641-1652 Abstract The crystal structure of (001) twinned xilingolite, Pb3Bi2S6, from Mittal-Hohtenn, Valais, Switzerland Peter Berlepsch, Homas Armbruster, Emil Makovicky, Clivia Hejny, Dan Topa, and Stefan Graeser Pages 1653-1663 Abstract A structural model of the layer titanosilicate bornemanite based on seidozerite and lomonosovite modules Giovanni Ferraris, Elena Belluso, Angela Gula, Svetlana V. Soboleva, Olga A. Ageeva, Boris E. Borutskii Pages 1665-1673 Abstract Rinmanite, Zn2Sb2Mg2Fe4O14(OH)2, a new mineral species with a nolanite-type structure from the Grpenberg Norra mine, Dalarna, Sweden Dan Holtstam, Kjell Gatedal, Karin Soderberg, and Rolf Norrestam Pages 1675-1683 Abstract Oswaldpeetersite, (UO2)2CO3(OH)2•4H2O, a new basic uranyl carbonate mineral from the Jomac uranium mine, San Juan County, Utah, U.S.A. Renaud Vochten, Michel Deliens, and Olaf Medenbach Pages 1685-1689 Abstract Dickthomssenite, Mg(V2O6)•7H2O, a new mineral species from the Firefly-Pigmay mine, Utah: descriptive mineralogy and arrangement of atoms John M. Hughes, Forrest E. Cureton, Joseph Marty, Robert A. Gault, Mickey E. Gunter, Charles F. Campana, John Rekovan, Andre Sommer, and Matthew E. Brueseke Pages 1691-1700 Abstract A new method to determine the optical orientation of biaxial minerals: a mathematical approach Mickey E. Gunter and Brendan Twamley Pages 1701-1711 Abstract Microstructural investigation of new polytypes of parisite-(Ce) by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy Dawei Meng, Xiuling Wu, Tao Mou, and Douxing Li Pages 1713-1724 Abstract Al-Mg disorder in a gem-quality pargasite from Baffin Island, Nunavut, Canada Kimberly T. Tait, Frank C. Hawthorne, and Giancarlo Della Ventura Pages 1725-1732 Abstract Characteristics of nitrogen and other impurities in diamond, as revealed by infrared absorption data Felix V. Kaminsky and Galina K. Khachatryan Pages 1733-1745 Abstract High-temperature stability of laurite and Ru-Os-Ir alloy and their role in PGE fractionation in mafic magmas: erratum James M. Brenan and David Andrews Pages 1747-1748 BOOK REVIEWS Pages 1749-1750 New Minerals Joseph A. Mandarino Pages 1751-1760 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Index, Volume 39 J. Douglas Scott Pages 1761-1773 THE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST Resume R.F. Martin, Editor