Canadian Mineralogist, 2001, V 39, N 5, October.
A bond-valence approach to the structure, chemistry and paragenesis of
hydroxy-hydrated oxysalt minerals. I. Theory
Michael Schindler and Frank C. Hawthorne
Pages 1225-1242
A bond-valence approach to the structure, chemistry and paragenesis of hydroxy-
hydrated oxysalt minerals. II. Crystal structure and chemical composition of
borate minerals
Michael Schindler and Frank C. Hawthorne
Pages 1243-1256
A bond-valence approach to the structure, chemistry and paragenesis of hydroxy-
hydrated oxysalt minerals. III. Paragenesis of borate minerals
Michael Schindler and Frank C. Hawthorne
Pages 1257-1274
The crystal chemistry of the [M3f11-14] trimeric structures: from hyperagpaitic
complexes to saline lakes
Elena Sokolova and Frank C. Hawthorne
Pages 1275-1294
Natrolemoynite, a new hydrated sodium zirconosilicate from Mont Saint-Hilaire,
Quebec: description and structure determination
Andrew M. NcDonald and George Y. Chao
Pages 1295-1306
The crystal structure of delindeite, Ba2{(Na,K,)3(Ti,Fe)[Ti2(O,OH)4Si
4O14](H2O,OH)2}, a member of the mero-plesiotype bafertisite series
Giovanni Ferraris, Gabriella Ivaldi, Dmitry Yu. Pushcharovsky, Natalia V.
Zubkova, and Igor V. Pekov
Pages 1307-1316
The crystal structure of baricite, (Mg1.70Fe1.30)(PO4)2•8H2O, the magnesium-
dominant member of the vivianite group
Olga V. Yakubovich, Werner Massa Ruslan P. Liferovich, and Catherine A. McCammon
Pages 1317-1324
Orthominasragrite, V4+O (SO4) (H2O)5, a new mineral species from Temple
Mountain, Emery County, Utah, U.S.A
Frank C. Hawthorne, Michael Schindler, Joel D. Grice, and Patrick Haynes
Pages 1325-1331
Crystal chemistry of trioctahedral micas-1M from the Alto Paranaiba igneous
province, southeastern Brazil
Maria Franca Brigatti, Luca Medici, Luciano Poppi, and Carmela Vaccaro
Pages 1333-1345
The characterization and quantitative analysis of clay minerals in the Athabasca
Basin, Saskatchewan: application of shortwave infrared reflectance spectroscopy
Guangyu Zhang, Ken Wasyliuk, and Yuanming Pan
Pages 1347-1363
The crystal structure of neyite, Ag2Cu6Pb25Bi26S68
Emil Makovicky, Tonci Balic-¦unic, and Dan Topa
Pages 1365-1376
The crystal structure of paarite, the newly discovered 56 A derivative of the
bismuthinite-aikinite solid-solution series
Emil Makovicky, Dan Topa, and Tonci Balic-¦unic
Pages 1377-1382
Rare sulfosalts from Vulcano, Aeolian Islands, Italy. IV. Lillianite
Yuri S. Borodaev, Anna Garavelli, Carlo Garbarino, Silvana M. Grillo,
Nadezhda N. Mozgova, Tatyana Yu. Uspenskaya, and Filippo Vurro
Pages 1383-1396
The occurrence of Pb-Cl-(OH) and Pt-Sn-S compounds in the Merensky Reef,
Bushveld layered complex, South Africa
Andrei Y. Barkov, Robert F. Martin, Risto J. Kaukonen, and Tuomo T. Alapieti
Pages 1397-1403
The melilite-bearing high-temperature skarns of the Apuseni Mountains,
Carpathians, Romania
Marie-Lola Pascal, Michel Fonteilles, Jean Verkaeren, Regis Piret,
and Stefan Marincea
Pages 1405-1434
Superposed parageneses in the spurrite-, tilleyite- and gehlenite-bearing skarns
from Cornet Hill, Apuseni Mountains, Romania
Tefan Marincea, Essaid Bilal, Jean Verkaeren, Marie-Lola Pascal, and Michel
Pages 1435-1453
Oxygen and carbon isotopic composition of Grenville marble, and an appraisal of
equilibrium in the distribution of isotopes between calcite and associated
minerals, Otter Lake area, Quebec, Canada
Ralph Kretz
Pages 1455-1472
J.A. Mandarino
Pages 1473-1502
BOOK REVIEWS & Referees for 2000
Pages 1503-1507