Tables of Contents service for
Volume 10, Issue 3, May 1995
- Molecular interpretation for SO2 dissolution kinetics of pyrolusite, manganite and hematite
Petrie, L.M.
page 253-267
- Partitioning of La between solid and solution during the ageing of Si-Al-Fe-La-Ca gels under simulated near-field conditions of nuclear waste disposal
Vidal, O., Magonthier, M., Joanny, V. and Creach, M.
page 269-284
- Effects of colloids on metal transport in a river receiving acid mine drainage, upper Arkansas River, Colorado, U.S.A.
Kimball, B.A., Callender, E. and Axtmann, E.V.
page 285-306
- Arsenic geochemistry in forested soil profiles as revealed by solid-phase studies
Gustafsson, J.P. and Jacks, G.
page 307-315
- The influence of mineralogy and texture in the water content of rock salt formations. Its implication in radioactive waste disposal
De Las Cuevas, C. and Pueyo, J.J.
page 317-327
- Zincian staurolite in the Dry River South volcanic-hosted massive sulfide deposit, northern Queensland, Australia: an assessment of its usefulness in exploration
Huston, D.L. and Patterson, D.J.
page 329-336
- Theoretical geothermometers and PCO2 indicators for aqueous solutions coming from hydrothermal systems of medium-low temperature hosted in carbonate-evaporite rocks. Application to the thermal springs of the Etruscan Swell, Italy
Chiodini, G., Frondini, F. and Marini, L.
page 337-346
- Modelling of potassium exchange in a natural, polyionic montmorillonite under hydrothermal conditions
Huertas, F.J., Cuadros, J. and Linares, J.
page 347-355
- Fluorine in formation waters, Alberta Basin, Canada
Hitchon, B.
page 357-367
- (1995) Chemical and structural changes in Cervus elaphus tooth enamels during fossilization (Lazaret cave): a combined IR and XRD Rietveld analysis.
Michel, V., Ildefonse, P. and Morin, G.
page 369-371
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