Applied Geochemistry, 2006, V 21, N 9, September.
Compositional and source characterization
of base progressively extracted humic
acids using pyrolytic gas chromatography
mass spectrometry
Li Li, Wanglu Jia, Pingan Peng,
Guoying Sheng, Jiamo Fu and Weilin Huang
Pages 1455-1468
Kinetics of chromate reduction by pyrite
and biotite under acidic conditions
Chul-Min Chon, Jae Gon Kim and Hi-Soo Moon
Pages 1469-1481
The influence of geology and land use
on arsenic in stream sediments and
ground waters in New England, USA
Gilpin R. Robinson, Jr. and Joseph D. Ayotte
Pages 1482-1497
Detailed compositional analysis of gas
seepage at the National Carbon Storage
Test Site, Teapot Dome, Wyoming, USA
Ronald W. Klusman
Pages 1498-1521
Interaction of diamond mine waste and
surface water in the Canadian Arctic
H.A. Rollo and H.E. Jamieson
Pages 1522-1538
The biogeochemical behaviour of U(VI)
in the simulated near-field of a
low-level radioactive waste repository
James R. Fox, Robert J.G. Mortimer,
Gavin Lear, Jonathan R. Lloyd,
Ian Beadle and Katherine Morris
Pages 1539-1550
CO2 emissions and heat flow through soil,
fumaroles, and steam heated mud pools
at the Reykjanes geothermal area, SW Iceland
Thrainn Fridriksson, Bjarni Reyr Kristjansson,
Halldor Armannsson, Eygerbur Margretardottir,
Snjolaug Olafsdottir and Giovanni Chiodini
Pages 1551-1569
Hydrochemical evidence of the depth of
penetration of anthropogenic recharge
in sandstone aquifers underlying
two mature cities in the UK
R.G. Taylor, A.A. Cronin, D.N. Lerner,
J.H. Tellam, S.H. Bottrell,
J. Rueedi and M.H. Barrett
Pages 1570-1592
Trace metals in Antarctic ecosystems:
Results from the Larsemann Hills,
East Antarctica
Massimo Gasparon and Jorg Matschullat
Pages 1593-1612
Metal and arsenic distribution in soil
p sizes relevant to soil ingestion by children
Karin Ljung, Olle Selinus,
Erasmus Otabbong and Marika Berglund
Pages 1613-1624
Papers to Appear in Forthcoming Issues
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