Applied Geochemistry, 2006, V 21, N 7, July.
Estimation of potential pollution of waste
mining dumps at Pena del Hierro
(Pyrite Belt, SW Spain) as a base
for future mitigation actions •
A. Romero, I. Gonzalez and E. Galan
Pages 1093-1108
Apparent seasonal variations in iron
photoreduction in acidic discharge
from a former pyrite mine, Oakland, California •
Thomas W. Butler and Jeffery C. Seitz
Pages 1109-1122
Geochemical evolution of solutions derived
from experimental weathering of
sulfide-bearing rocks •
LeeAnn Munk, Gunter Faure and Randolph Koski
Pages 1123-1134
Trace metal adsorption onto urban stream
suspended particulate matter
(Auckland region, New Zealand) •
Rebecca L. Bibby and Jenny G. Webster-Brown
Pages 1135-1151
Long-term corrosion of two nuclear waste
reference glasses (MW and SON68):
A kinetic and mineral alteration study •
E. Curti, J.L. Crovisier, G. Morvan and A.M. Karpoff
Pages 1152-1168
Behaviour of boron and strontium isotopes
in groundwater–aquifer interactions
in the Cornia Plain (Tuscany, Italy) •
Maddalena Pennisi, Gianluca Bianchini,
Antonio Muti, Wolfram Kloppmann and
Roberto Gonfiantini
Pages 1169-1183
Modeling spatial and temporal variations
in temperature and salinity during
stratification and overturn in
Dexter Pit Lake, Tuscarora, Nevada, USA •
Laurie S. Balistrieri, Regina N. Tempel,
Lisa L. Stillings and Lisa A. Shevenell
Pages 1184-1203
Fate of organic matter during aquifer
storage and recovery (ASR) of reclaimed
water in a carbonate aquifer •
J.L. Vanderzalm, C. Le Gal La Salle
and P.J. Dillon
Pages 1204-1215
Evaluation of phosphate fertilizers
for ameliorating acid mine waste •
David L. Harris and Bernd G. Lottermoser
Pages 1216-1225
Multi-method study of the characteristic
chemical nature of aquatic humic
substances isolated from the Han River, Korea •
Hyun-Chul Kim, Myong-Jin Yu and Ihnsup Han
Pages 1226-1239
Elemental sulfur in drain sediments
associated with acid sulfate soils •
Edward D. Burton, Richard T. Bush
and Leigh A. Sullivan
Pages 1240-1247
Papers to Appear in Forthcoming Issues •
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IAGC Membership Application Form •
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