Applied Geochemistry, 1999, V 14, N 7.

ISSN : 0883-2927
pp 817-817
M Gascoyne, P Wikberg

pp 819-834
Overview of geological and hydrogeological conditions of the Aspo
hard rock laboratory site
R Stanfors, I Rhen, EL Tullborg, P Wikberg

pp 835-859
Hydrogeochemical conditions and evolution at the Aspo HRL, Sweden
M Laaksoharju, EL Tullborg, P Wikberg, B Wallin, J Smellie

pp 861-871
Multivariate mixing and mass balance (M3) calculations, a new tool
for decoding hydrogeochemical information
M Laaksoharju, C Skarman, E Skarman

pp 873-892
Hydrological and reactive processes during rapid recharge to fracture
SA Banwart, E Gustafsson, M Laaksharju

pp 893-905
Application of mass balance and flow simulation calculations to
interpretation of mixing at Aspo, Sweden
P Pitkanen, J Lofman, L Koskinen, H Leino-Forsman, M Snellman

pp 907-916
Equilibrium geochemical modelling of Aspo groundwaters: a sensitivity
study of thermodynamic equilibrium constants
L Trotignon, C Beaucaire, D Louvat, JF Aranyossy

pp 917-925
Origin and residence time of salinity in the Aspo groundwater system
D Louvat, JL Michelot, JF Aranyossy

pp 927-938
14C in bicarbonate and dissolved organic - a useful tracer?
EL Tullborg, E Gustafsson

pp 939-951
Synopsis of strontium isotope variations in groundwater at Aspo
Southern Sweden
ZE Peterman, B Wallin

pp 953-962
Calcite fracture fillings as indicators of paleohydrology at Laxemar
at the Aspo hard rock laboratory, Southern Sweden
B Wallin, Z Peterman