Applied Geochemistry, 1999, V 14, N 6, August.

ISSN : 0883-2927
pp 689-705
Spatial clustering of metals in the sediments of the
A Danielsson, I Cato, R Carman, L Rahm

pp 707-718
Mineralogy of poorly crystalline aluminium phases in the B horizon of
Podzols in southern Sweden
JP Gustafsson, P Bhattacharya

pp 719-734
Contrasting the sorption of Zn by oxyhydroxides of Mn and Fe, and
organic matter along a mineral-poor to mineral-rich fen gradient
L Bendell-Young

pp 735-745
Hydrogeochemical processes in an arid region of Europe (Almeria,
F Sanchez Martos, A Pulido Bosch, JM Calaforra

pp 747-759
Oxygen penetration and subsequent reactions in flooded sulphidic mine
tailings: a study at Stekenjokk, northern Sweden
H Holmstrom, B Ohlander

pp 761-774
Past and present weathering rates in northern Sweden
M Land, J Ingri, B Ohlander

pp 775-785
Fissure calcretes in the arctic: a paleohydrologic indicator
B Lauriol, I Clark

pp 787-805
Lake water geochemistry on the western Kola Penninsula, north-west
C Reimann, D Banks, I Bogatyrev, P De Caritat, G Kashulina, H

pp 807-816
A rapid procedure for environmental sampling and evaluation of
polluted sediments
M Kralik