Applied Geochemistry, 1998, V 13, N 6, August.
pp 673-686
Characterization of gases in sedimentary formations through monitoring
during drilling and core leaching (Balazuc borehole, Deep Geology of France
L Aquilina, JC Baubron, D Defoix, P Degranges, JR Disnar, B Marty, MC Robe
pp 687-705
Geochemical, mineralogical and microbiological characterization of a
sulphide-bearing carbonate-rich gold-mine tailings impoundment, Joutel,
DW Blowes, L Lortie, WD Gould, JL Jambor, CJ Hanton-Fong
pp 707-714
Exfoliation and diffusion following helium ion implantation in fluorapatite
: implications for radiochronology and radioactivity waste disposal.
S Ouchani, JC Dran, J Chaumont
pp 715-733
Chemical interaction between a simulated nuclear waste glass and different
backfill materials under a thermal gradient
C Poinssot, P Toulhoat, B Goffe
pp 735-749
Processes affecting groundwater chemistry in a zone of saline intrusion
into an urban sandstone aquifer
AP Barker, RJ Newton, SH Bottrell, JH Tellam
pp 751-765
Kaolinite as an in situ dosimeter for past radionuclide migration at the
Earth's surface
T Allard, JP Muller
pp 767-778
Field tracer test for denitrifrication in a pyrite-bearing schist aquifer
H Pauwels, W Kloppmann, JC Foucher, A Martelat, V Fritsche
pp 779-785
Kinetic studies of the homogeneous abiotic reactions of several chlorinated
aliphatic compounds in aqueous solution
M Pagan, WJ Cooper, JA Joens
pp 787-797
Anthropogenic influences on Pb/Al and lead isotope signature in anually
layered Holocene Maar lake sediments
G Schettler, RL Romer
pp 799-799
Book Review:set in press