Applied Geochemistry, 2006, V 21, N 5, May.

Frontiers in Analytical Geochemistry – 
An IGC 2004 perspective • EDITORIAL
Russell Harmon and Riccardo Vannucci
Pages 727-729 

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy – 
An emerging chemical sensor technology 
for real-time field-portable, geochemical,
mineralogical, and environmental applications • 
Russell S. Harmon, Frank C. DeLucia, 
Catherine E. McManus, Nancy J. McMillan, 
Thomas F. Jenkins, Marianne E. Walsh 
and Andrzej Miziolek
Pages 730-747 

Double pulse, calibration-free laser-induced 
breakdown spectroscopy: A new technique 
for in situ standard-less analysis of polluted soils • 
Michela Corsi, Gabriele Cristoforetti, 
Montserrat Hidalgo, Stefano Legnaioli, 
Vincenzo Palleschi, Azenio Salvetti, 
Elisabetta Tognoni and Chiara Vallebona
Pages 748-755 

High-precision EA-IRMS analysis of S and 
C isotopes in geological materials • 
Nathalie V. Grassineau
Pages 756-765 

Compound-specific chlorine isotope ratios 
of TCE, PCE and DCE isomers by direct 
injection using CF-IRMS • 
Orfan Shouakar-Stash, Robert J. Drimmie, 
Min Zhang and Shaun K. Frape
Pages 766-781 

In situ sulfur isotope analysis by 
laser ablation MC-ICPMS • 
Chris Bendall, Yann Lahaye,Jens Fiebig, 
Stefan Weyer and Gerhard Peter Brey
Pages 782-787 

Laser ablation multicollector ICPMS 
determination of b11B in geological samples • 
Massimo Tiepolo, Claudia Bouman, 
Riccardo Vannucci and Johannes Schwieters
Pages 788-801 

Influence of composition and thermal 
history of volcanic glasses on water 
content as determined by micro-Raman 
spectrometry • 
A. Di Muro, D. Giordano, B. Villemant, 
G. Montagnac, B. Scaillet and C. Romano
Pages 802-812 

Combined investigations of fluid 
inclusions in opaque ore minerals 
by NIR/SWIR microscopy and microthermometry 
and synchrotron radiation X-ray fluorescence • 
Francisco Javier Rios, James V. Alves, 
Carlos A. Perez, Eden C. Costa, Carlos A. Rosiere, 
Kazuo Fuzikawa, Jose M. Correia Neves, 
Alexandre de O. Chaves, Sonia P. Prates
and Raul E. de Barrio
Pages 813-819 

Determination and significance of the 
Mn(II) Zero-Field Splitting (ZFS) 
interaction in the geochemistry of travertines • 
G. Montegrossi, F. Di Benedetto, 
A. Minissale, M. Paladini, L.A. Pardi, 
M. Romanelli and F. Romei
Pages 820-825 

Recent progress in X-ray CT as a geosciences tool • 
V. Cnudde, B. Masschaele, M. Dierick, 
J. Vlassenbroeck, L. Van Hoorebeke 
and P. Jacobs
Pages 826-832 

A new low-interference characterization 
method for hydrocarbons occluded 
inside asphaltene structures • 
Zewen Liao, Alain Graciaa, Ansong Geng, 
Anna Chrostowska and Patrice Creux
Pages 833-838 

Direct quantification of rare earth 
element concentrations in natural waters by ICP-MS • 
Michael G. Lawrence, Alan Greig, 
Kenneth D. Collerson and Balz S. Kamber
Pages 839-848 

A new, rapid and reliable method for 
the determination of reduced sulphur 
(S2-) species in natural water discharges • 
Giordano Montegrossi, Franco Tassi, 
Orlando Vaselli, Eva Bidini and Angelo Minissale
Pages 849-857 

Papers to Appear in Forthcoming Issues • 
Page I 

IAGC Membership Application Form • 
Page II