Applied Geochemistry, 2003, V 18, N 5, May.
On the calculation of the surface area of different soil size fractions,
S. Koptsik, L. Strand and N. Clarke
Pages 629-651
An assessment of solubility profiling as a decontamination procedure
for the 87Sr/86Sr analysis of archaeological human skeletal tissue,
Mark A. Trickett, Paul Budd, Janet Montgomery and Jane Evans
Pages 653-658
Geochemistry of the infiltrating water in the vadose zone of a remediated
tailings impoundment, Kristineberg mine,northern Sweden.,
Erik Carlsson, Bjo"rn O"hlander and Henning Holmstro"m
Pages 659-674
Groundwater-related thallium transfer processes and their impacts on
the ecosystem: southwest Guizhou Province, China,
Tangfu Xiao, Dan Boyle, Jayanta Guha, Alain Rouleau,
Yetang Hong and Baoshan Zheng
Pages 675-691
Importance of different types of marine particles for the scavenging
of heavy metals in the deep-sea bottom water,
Andrea Koschinsky, Andreas Winkler and Ulrich Fritsche
Pages 693-710
Mineralogical and sorption characteristics of Ankara Clay
as a landfill liner,
G. A. Sezer, A. G. Tu"rkmeno lu and E. H. Go"ktu"rk
Pages 711-717
Changes in isotope ratio and content of dissolved
helium through groundwater evolution,
Yasunori Mahara and Toshifumi Igarashi
Pages 719-738
Geochemical cycling of phosphorus in rivers,
William A. House
Pages 739-748
Environmental quality assessment on a river system
polluted by mining activities,
W. X. Liu, R. M. Coveney and J. L. Chen
Pages 749-764
Similarity between C, N and S stable isotope profiles in
European spruce forest soils: implications for the use
of [small delta, Greek] 34S as a tracer,
Martin Nova'k, Franti [Image] ek Buzek, Anthony F. Harrison
Eva P [Image] echova', Iva Ja [Image] kova' and Daniela Fottova'
Pages 765-779
Papers to appear,
Page I
IAGC Membership Form,
Page III