Applied Geochemistry, 2002, V 17, N 4, April.

Papers to appear 

Current Lit Survey 

IAGC membership form 

Anne Mu"ller
Organic carbon burial rates, and carbon and sulfur relationships in coastal 
sediments of the southern Baltic Sea 

Ross A. Sutherland
Comparison between non-residual Al, Co, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn released by a 
three-step sequential extraction procedure and a dilute hydrochloric acid leach 
for soil and road deposited sediment 

T.M. Williams and A.G. Gunn
Application of enzyme leach soil analysis for epithermal gold exploration in the 
Andes of Ecuador 

Elizabeth P. Knapp, Janet S. Herman, Aaron L. Mills and George M. Hornberger
Changes in the sorption capacity of Coastal Plain sediments due to redox 
alteration of mineral surfaces 

F.Z. El Aamrani, L. Duro, J. de Pablo and J. Bruno
Experimental study and modeling of the sorption of uranium(VI) onto olivine-rock 

F.E. Rhoton, J.M. Bigham and D.L. Lindbo
Properties of iron oxides in streams draining the Loess Uplands of Mississippi 

LeeAnn Munk, Gunter Faure, Douglas E. Pride and Jerry M. Bigham
Sorption of trace metals to an aluminum precipitate in a stream receiving acid 
rock-drainage; Snake River, Summit County, Colorado 

Sean P. Burke and Steven A. Banwart
A geochemical model for removal of iron(II)(aq) from mine water discharges 

Alisa J. Roddick-Lanzilotta, A. James McQuillan and Dave Craw
Infrared spectroscopic characterisation of arsenate (V) ion adsorption from mine 
waters, Macraes mine, New Zealand 

Jessica Bruni et al.
Irreversible water-rock mass transfer accompanying the generation of the 
neutral, Mg-HCO3 and high-pH, Ca-OH spring waters of the Genova province, Italy 

Eric Heinen De Carlo and Stephen S. Anthony
Spatial and temporal variability of trace element concentrations in an urban 
subtropical watershed, Honolulu, Hawaii 

Bo Elberling, Gert Asmund, Helmar Kunzendorf and Eirik J. Krogstad
Geochemical trends in metal-contaminated fiord sediments near a former lead-zinc 
mine in West Greenland 

Dorthe L. Jensen, Jens K. Boddum, Jens Christian Tjell and Thomas H. Christensen
The solubility of rhodochrosite (MnCO3) and siderite (FeCO3) in anaerobic 
aquatic environments 

Mahendra P. Verma
Comment on "Chemistry and sulfur isotopic composition of precipitation at 
Bologna, Italy" by P. Panettiere, G. Cortecci, E. Dinelli, A. Bencini, M. Guidi 

Pasquale Panettiere1, Gianni Cortecci1, Enrico Dinelli1, Alberto Bencini2 and 
Massimo Guidi3
Reply to the comment on "Chemistry and sulfur isotopic composition of 
precipitation at Bologna, Italy" by Mahendra P. Verma 