Applied Geochemistry, 2001, V 16, N 2, Feb.
ISSN : 0883-2927
pp 137-159
Regional distribution of Al, B, Ba, Ca, K, La, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Rb, Si, Sr,
Th, U and Y in terrestrial moss within a 188,000 km^2 area of the central
Barents region: influence of geology, seaspray and human activity P. de
Caritat, C. Reimann, I. Bogatyrev, V. Chekushin, T.E. Finne, J.H.
Halleraker^1, G. Kashulina^2, H. Niskavaara, V. Pavlov, M. Ayras
pp 161-181
Thermodynamics of ice polymorphs and 'ice-like' water in hydrates and
hydroxides L. Mercury, P. Vieillard, Y. Tardy
pp 183-195
Volatile organic acids and microbial processes in the Yegua
formation, east-central Texas
J. Routh, E.L. Grossman, G.A. Ulrich, J.M. Suflita
pp 197-206
Isotopic effects on inorganic carbon in a tropical river caused by
caustic discharges from bauxite processing
J.E. Andrews, A.M. Greenaway, P.F. Dennis, D.A. Barnes-Leslie
pp 207-229
Lead isotopic and chalcophile element compositions in the environment near
a zinc smelting-secondary zinc recovery facility, Palmerton, Pennsylvania,
USA M.E. Ketterer, J.H. Lowry, J. Simon, K. Humphries, M.P. Novotnak
pp 231-244
Standard reference water samples for rare earth element determinations
P.L. Verplanck^1, R.C. Antweiler, D.K. Nordstrom, H.E. Taylor
pp 245-270
Multi-element and rare earth element composition of lichens, mosses,
and vascular plants from the Central Barrenlands, Nunavut, Canada
J. Chiarenzelli, L. Aspler, C. Dunn, B. Cousens, D. Ozarko, K. Powis