Applied Geochemistry, 1999, V 14, N 2, March.

Jason A. Mastrine, Jean-Claude J. Bonzongo, W. Berry Lyons, Mercury
concentrations in surface waters from fluvial systems draining historical
precious metals mining areas ink southeastern U.S.A., 
pp. 147-158

Jeannet A. Meima, Rob N. J. Comans, The leaching of trace elements from
municipal solid waste incinerator bottom ash at different stages of
pp. 159-171

G. Koptsik, S. Teveldal, D. Aamlid, K. Venn, Calculations of weathering
rate and soil solution chemistry for forest soils in the Norwegian-Russian
border area with the PROFILE model, 
pp. 173-185

Susanne M. Ullrich, Michael H. Ramsey, Edeltrauda Helios-Rybicka, Total and
exchangeable concentrations of heavy metals in soils near Bytom, an area of
Pb/Zn mining and smelting in Upper Silesia, Poland, 
pp. 187-196

S. S. Iyer, M. Babinski, M. M. Marinho, J. S. F. Barbosa, I. M. Sato, V. L.
Salvador, Lead isotope evidence for recent uranium mobility in geological
formations of Brazil: implications for radioactive waste disposal, 
pp. 197-221

Kanglin He, Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher, Chemical evolution of thermal
waters from limestone aquifers of the Southern Upper Rhine Valley, 
pp. 223-235

Ingrid Stober, Kurt Bucher, Deep groundwater in the crystalline basement of
the Black Forest region, 
pp. 237-254

Stephen E. Cabaniss, Uncertainty propagation in geochemical calculations:
non-linearity in solubility equilibria, 
pp. 255-262