Applied Geochemistry, 2001, V 16, N 14, November.

Papers to appear

Current Literature Survey

IAGC Membership Form

Michael B. Parsons, Dennis K. Bird, Marco T. Einaudi and Charles N. Alpers
Geochemical and mineralogical controls on trace element release from the Penn 
Mine base-metal slag dump, California

Peter Birkle, Broder Merkel, Enrique Portugal and Ignacio S. Torres-Alvarado
The origin of reservoir fluids in the geothermal field of Los Azufres, 
Mexicoisotopical and hydrological indications

N. Amellal, J.-M. Portal and J. Berthelin
Effect of soil structure on the bioavailability of polycyclic aromatic 
hydrocarbons within aggregates of a contaminated soil

R.H.C. Emmerson, M.D. Scrimshaw, J.W. Birkett and J.N. Lester
Solid phase partitioning of metals in Managed Realignment soils: laboratory 
studies in timed soil sea-water batch mixtures

Roel Cruz, Blanca A. Mendez, Marcos Monroy and Ignacio Gonzalez
Cyclic voltammetry applied to evaluate reactivity in sulfide mining residues

S.S. Brake, H.K. Dannelly, K.A. Connors and S.T. Hasiotis
Influence of water chemistry on the distribution of an acidophilic protozoan in 
an acid mine drainage system at the abandoned Green Valley coal mine, Indiana, USA

Ningping Lu and Caroline F.V. Mason
Sorption-desorption behavior of strontium-85 onto montmorillonite and silica colloids