Applied Geochemistry, 2001, V 16, N 1, Jan.
ISSN : 0883-2927
pp 1-17
Hydrogeochemistry and stable isotopes of thermal springs:
earthquake-related chemical changes along Belice Fault (Western
R. Favara, F. Grassa, S. Inguaggiato, M. Valenza
pp 19-34
Geochemistry of thirteen Voronin Trough cores, Kara Sea, European
Arctic: Hg and As contaminants at a 1965 timeline
F.R. Siegel, J.J. Galasso, J.H. Kravitz
pp 35-55
Brines in the Carboniferous Sydney Coalfield, Atlantic Canada
A.T. Martel^1, M.R. Gibling, M. Nguyen
pp 57-72
U-series disequilibrium study on a gaseous discharge area (Solforata
of Pomezia, Alban Hills, Italy): implications for volcanic and
geochemical risk
M. Voltaggio, G.A. Di Lisa, S. Voltaggio
pp 73-84
A 120 year record of changes in nitrogen and carbon cycling in Lake
Alexandrina, South Australia: C:N, @d^1^5N and @d^1^3C in sediments
A.L. Herczeg, A.K. Smith, J.C. Dighton
pp 85-93
Adsorption of radioelements on mixtures of minerals - experimental
P. Jacquier, P. Meier, J. Ly
pp 95-108
Comparative study of sterols in shelf and slope sediments off
northeastern Taiwan
W.-L. Jeng, C.-A. Huh
pp 109-122
Radium geochemistry of ground waters in Paleozoic carbonate aquifers,
midcontinent, USA^@?
N.C. Sturchio, J.L. Banner, C.M. Binz, L.B. Heraty, M. Musgrove
pp 123-136
Relationships between geochemistry of basal till and chemistry of
surface soil at forested sites in Finland
A.-M. Lahdenpera, P. Tamminen, T. Tarvainen