Applied Geochemistry, 1998, V13, N1.
FM pp. 3-FM 3
Editorial.No Author pp.FM 3-FM 3
Preface to Papers on Carbon Cycling in Mid-Latitudes
F Caron, GM Milton pp. 1-2
Radiocarbon speciation and distribution in an aquifer plume and groundwater
discharge area, Chalk River, Ontario
RWD Killey, RR Rao, S Eyvindson pp. 3-16
Carbon-14 and tritium in plants of a wetland containing contaminated
WG Evenden, SC Sheppard, RWD Killey pp.17-21
Tracer studies of carbon source utilization in a wetland on the Canadian
GM Milton, KJ King, J Sutton, S Enright pp.23-30
Potential for the formation and migration of colloidal material from a
near-surface waste disposal site
P Vilks, F Caron, MK Haas pp. 31-42
Sorption of inorganic 14C on to calcite, montmorillonite and soil
SC Sheppard, KV Ticknor, WG Evenden pp. 43-47
Carbon isotopic disequilibrium in the shell of the freshwater mussel Elliptio
GI Veinott, J Cornett pp. 49-57
Anthropogenic inventories and historical and present accumulation rates of
copper in Great Lakes sediments
JJ Kolak, DT Long, TM Beals, SJ Eisenreich, DL Swackhamer pp. 59-75
Rate and extent of cobalt sorption to representative aquifer minerals in the
presence of a moderately strong organic ligand
SC Brooks, JS Herman pp. 77-88
Radon, Cl- and So42- anomalies in hot spring water associated with the 1995
earthquake swarm off the east coast of the Izu Peninsula, central Japan
S Nishizawa, G Igarashi, Y Sano, E Shoto, S Tasaka, Y Sasaki pp. 89-94
Kaolinite and dickite formation during shale diagenesis: isotopic data.
MD Ruiz Cruz, E Reyes pp. 95-102
Behaviour of actinides (Th, U, Np and Pu) and rare earths (La, Ce and Nd)
during aqueous leaching of a nuclear glass under geological
disposal conditions
O Menard, T Advocat, JP Ambrosi, A Michard pp. 103-125