1995, Volume 80, September-October, number 9-10
Journal of the Mineralogical Society of America
- 1085 PAUL H. WARREN Extrapolated partial molar densities of S03, P2O5, and other oxides in silicate melts
- LAURENCE GALOISY, GEORGES CALAS, GORDON E. BROWN, JR. Intracrystalline distribution of Ni in San Carlos olivine: An EXAFS study
- 873 DIEN LI, G. M. BANCROFT, M. E. FLEET, P. C. HESS, Z. F. YIN Coordination of B in K2O-SiO2-B2O3-P2O5 glasses using B K-edge XANES
- 878 ANNA M. GEORGE, JONATHAN F. STEBBINS High-temperature 23Na MAS NMR data for albite: Comparison to chemical-shift models
- 885 ROBERTA L. MILLARD, RONALD C. PETERSON, BRIAN K. HUNTER Study of the cubic to tetragonal transition in Mg2TiO4 and Zn2TiO4 spinels by 17O MAS NMR and Rietveld refinement of X-ray diffraction data
- 897 HUIFANG XU, DAVID R. VEBLEN, YIQIANG ZHANG Structural modulation and phase transition in a Na-rich alkali feldspar
- 907 MARIO TRIBAUDINO, PIERA BENNA, EMILIANO BRUNO I1-I2/c phase transition in alkaline-earth feldspars: Evidence from TEM observations of Sr-rich feldspars along the CaAl2Si2O8- SrAl2Si2O8 join
- 916 HEXIONG YANG, MARC M. HIRSCHMANN Crystal structure of P21/m ferromagnesian amphibole and the role of cation ordering and composition in the P21/m-C2/m transition in cummingtonite
- 923 M. CHIARA DOMENEGHETTI, G. MARIO MOLIN, MARILENA STIMPFL, MARIO TRIBAUDINO Orthopyroxene from the Serra de Mag meteorite: Structure refinement and estimation of C2/c pyroxene contributions to apparent Pbca diffraction violations
- 930 STEPHEN B. RICE Transmission electron microscope observations of planar defects in ferrierite from Kamloops Lake, British Columbia
- 937 ROBERT T. DOWNS, ROBERT M. HAZEN, LARRY W. FINGER, TIBOR GASPARIK Crystal chemistry of lead aluminosilicate hollandite: A new high-pressure synthetic phase with octahedral Si
- 941 TZY-CHUNG WU, ANDY H. SHEN, MAURA S. WEATHERS, WILLIAM A. BASSETT, I-MING CHOU Anisotropic thermal expansion of calcite at high pressures: An in situ X-ray diffraction study in a hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell
- 947 SUSAN J. GAFFEY H2O and OH in echinoid calcite: A spectroscopic study
- 960 ALISTAIR R. LENNIE, KATHARINE E. R. ENGLAND, DAVID J. VAUGHAN Transformation of synthetic mackinawite to hexagonal pyrrhotite: A kinetic study
- 968 DOMINIQUE LATTARD Experimental evidence for the exsolution of ilmenite from titaniferous spinel
- 982 JOHN D. CLEMENS Phlogopite stability in the silica-saturated portion of the system KAlO2-MgO-SiO2-H2O: New data and a reappraisal of phase relations to 1.5 GPa
- 998 ALISON R. PAWLEY, BERNARD J. WOOD The high-pressure stability of talc and 10 phase: Potential storage sites for H2O in subduction zones
- 1004 MARTHA L. GERDES, LUKAS P. BAUMGARTNER, MARK PERSON, DOUGLAS RUMBLE III One- and two-dimensional models of fluid flow and stable isotope exchange at an outcrop in the Adamello contact aureole, Southern Alps, Italy
- 1020 KATE WRIGHT, ROBERT FREER, C.R.A. CATLOW Oxygen diffusion in grossular and some geological implications
- 1026 THEODORE C. LABOTKA Evidence for immiscibility in a Ti-rich garnet in calc-silicate hornfels from northeastern Minnesota
- 1031 STEFANO SALVI, ANTHONY E. WILLIAMS-JONES Zirconosilicate phase relations in the Strange Lake (Lac Brisson) pluton, Quebec-Labrador, Canada
- 1041 SHOJI ARAI, NATSUE ABE Reaction of orthopyroxene in peridotite xenoliths with alkali-basalt melt and its implication for genesis of alpine-type chromitite
- 1048 ALEY EL-DIN K. EL-SHAZLY On the thermodynamic data of kaolinite
- 1054 P. BONAZZI, D. BORRINI, F. MAZZI, F. OLMI Crystal structure and twinning of Sb2AsS2, the synthetic analogue of pakknenite
- 1059 JOEL D. GRICE, ROBERT A. GAULT, GEORGE Y. CHAO Reederite-(Y), a new sodium rare-earth carbonate mineral with a unique fluorosulfate anion
DIN Plumboferrite: New mineralogical data and atomic arrangement
- 1079 MICHAEL L. WILLIAMS Memorial of Jeffrey A. Grambling, 1953-1993
- 1082 F. A. FREY, T. L. GROVE Memorial of Roger C. Burns, 1937-1994
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