1335 Andy Shen, Hans Keppler Infrared spectroscopy of hydrous silicate melts to 1000КC and 10 kbar: Direct observation of H2O speciation in a diamond-anvil cell
1339 Jacqueline Eaby Dixon, Vivian Pan Determination of the molar absorptivity of dissolved carbonate in basanitic glass
1343 Rosalind Tuthill Helz The Stillwater Complex, Montana: A subvolcanic magma chamber?
1347 Robert K. Popp, David Virgo, Michael Phillips H deficiency in kaersutitic amphiboles: Experimental verification
1093 Andrew J. Werner, Michael F. Hochella, Jr., George D. Guthrie, Jr., Jeanne A. Hardy, Ann E. Aust, J. Donald Rimstidt: Asbestiform riebeckite (crocidolite) dissolution in the presence of Fe-chelators: Implications for mineral-induced disease
1104 Sturges W. Bailey, Jillian F. Banfield: Derivation and identification of non-standard serpentine polytypes
1116 Jillian F. Banfield, Sturges W. Bailey, William W. Barker, Robert C. Smith, II: Complex polytypism: Relationships between serpentine structural characteristics and deformation
1132 Laurence A. J. Garvie, Alan J. Craven. Rik Brydson: Parallel electron energy-loss spectroscopy (PEELS) study of boron in minerals: The electron energy loss near-edge structure (ELNES) of the B K-edge
1145 B.P. McAloon, A.M. Hofmeister: Single-crystal IR spectroscopy of the grossular-andradite binary
1157 Ji-an Xu, Eugene Huang, Jung-fu Lin, Lilian Yunyi Xu: Raman study at high pressure and thermodynamic property of corundum: Application of Kieffer's model
1166 Allan Pring: Annealing of synthetic hammarite, Cu2Pb2Bi4S9, and the nature of cation ordering processes in the bismuthinite-aikinite series
1174 Su Wang, J. Liu, P. R. Buseck: High-angle annular dark-field (HAADF) microscopy of franckeite
1179 E. Bruce Watson, Yan Liang: A simple model for sector zoning in slowly-grown crystals: Implications for growth rate and lattice diffusion, with emphasis on accessory minerals in crustal rocks
1188 Frank J. Spera, Curtis M. Oldenburg, Constance Christensen, Micol Todesco: Simulations of convection with crystallization in the system KA1Si2O6-CaMgSi2O6: Implications for compositionally zoned magma bodies
1208 J. J. Papike, M. N. Spilde, G.W. Fowler, I.S. McCallum: SIMS studies of planetary cumulates: Orthopyroxene from the Stillwater Complex, Montana
1222 R. Brooks Hanson: Comment on "Role of fluid flow in the contact metamorphism of siliceous dolomitic limestones" by John M. Ferry: Conservation of energy in applications of reaction-flow models
1226 John M. Ferry: Reply to Conservation of energy in applications of reaction-flow models
1229 Jonathan Icenhower, David London: An experimental study of element partitioning between biotite, muscovite and coexisting peraluminous granitic melt at 200 MPa (H20)
1252 Andrea M. Koziol, Robert C. Newton: Experimental determination of the reactions: Magnesite + quartz = enstatite + CO2 and magnesite = periclase + C02 and enthalpies of formation of enstatite and magnesite
1261 Renaud Podor, Michel Cuney, Chinh Nguyen Trung: Experimental study of the solid solution between LaP04 and (Ca0.5U0.5P04 at 780 ЎC and 200 MPa
1269 Tibor Gasparik, John B. Parise, Bonnie A. Eiben, Joseph A. Hriljac: Stability and structure of a new high-pressure silicate Na1.8Ca1.1Si6O14
1277 Eugen Libowitzky, Thomas Armbruster: Low temperature phase transitions and the role of hydrogen in lawsonite
1286 Max W. Schmidt: Lawsonite: Upper pressure stability and formation of higher density hydrous phases
1293 P. C. Burnley: The fate of olivine in subducting slabs: A reconnaissance study
1302 H. T. Haselton, Jr., I-Ming Chou, A. H. Shen, W. A. Bassett: Techniques for determining pressure in the hydrothermal diamond-anvil cell: I. The behavior of ice polymorphs (I, III, V, VI)
1307 Genyong Peng, John Lewis, Bruce Lipin, James McGee, Peisheng Ban, Xihin Wang: Inclusions of phlogopite and phiogopite hydrates in chromium from the Hongguleleng ophiolite in Xinjiang, NW China
1317 James S. Scoates, Kevin R. Chamberlain: U-Pb baddeleyite and zircon ages of anorthositic rocks in the Laramie anorthosite complex, WyomIng
1328 John L. Jambor, Jacek Puziewirz, Andrew C. Roberts: New Mineral Names
1334 William I. Rose: Review of Mount Pelee, Martinique: A study of an active island arc volcano