1996, Volume 81, May-June, number 5-6
Journal of the Mineralogical Society of America
- J.J. Papike
- Pyroxene as a recorder of cumulate formational processes in asteroids, Moon, Mars, Earth: Reading the record with the ion microprobe 525
- Frank C. Hawthorne, Giancarlo Della Ventura, and Jean-Louis Robert
- Short-range order of (Na,K) and Al in tremolite: An infrared study 781
- Anatoly B. Belonoshko, Leonid S. Dubrovinsky, and Natalya A. Dubrovinsky
- A new high-pressure silica phase obtained by molecular dynamics 785
- Björn Winkler, Peter Blaha, and Karlheinz Schwarz
- Ab initio calculation of electric-field--gradient tensors of forsterite 545
- Simon J. Kitchin, Simon C. Kohn, Ray Dupree, C. Michael B. Henderson, and Kuniaki Kihara
- In situ 29Si MAS NMR studies of structural phase transitions of tridymite 550
- Michael A. Carpenter and Daniela Cellai
- Microstructures and high-temperature phase transitions in kalsilite 561
- Bruno Reynard, Fouzia Takir, Franois Guyot, Gabriel D. Gwanmesia, Robert C. Liebermann, and Philippe Gillet
- High-temperature Raman spectroscopic and X-ray diffraction study of
-Mg2SiO4: Insights into its high-temperature thermodynamic properties and the
- to
-phase-transformation mechanism and kinetics 585
- Lee A. Groat, Stefan Kek, Ulrich Bismayer, Claudia Schmidt, Hans Georg Krane, Hinrich Meyer, Leona Nistor, and Gustaaf Van Tendeloo
- A synchrotron radiation, HRTEM, X-ray powder diffraction, and Raman spectroscopic study of malayaite, CaSnSiO5 595
- G. Artioli, A. Pavese, M. Bellotto, S.P. Collins, and G. Lucchetti
- Mn crystal chemistry in pumpellyite: A resonant scattering powder diffraction Rietveld study using synchrotron radiation 603
- Isabelle Martinez, Jianzhong Zhang, and Richard J. Reeder
- In situ X-ray diffraction of aragonite and dolomite at high pressure and high temperature: Evidence for dolomite breakdown to aragonite and magnesite 611
- Thomas Armbruster, Ping Yang, and Bernard W. Liebich
- Mechanism of the SiO4 for CO3 substitution in defernite, Ca6(CO3)1.58(Si2O7)0.21(OH)7[Cl0.50(OH)0.08(H2O)0.42]: A single-crystal X-ray study at 100 K 625
- George E. Harlow
- Structure refinement of a natural K-rich diopside: The effect of K on the average structure 632
- Rex A. Couture and Robert F. Dymek
- A reexamination of absorption and enhancement effects in X-ray fluorescence trace element analysis 639
- Philippe Gillet, Jean-Marie MalŽzieux, and Jean-Paul Itiè
- Phase changes and amorphization of zeolites at high pressures: The case of scolecite and mesolite 651
- Irina Kiseleva, Alexandra Navrotsky, Igor A. Belitsky, and Boris A. Fursenko
- Thermochemistry and phase equilibria in calcium zeolites 658
- Irina Kiseleva, Alexandra Navrotsky, Igor A. Belitsky, and Boris A. Fursenko
- Thermochemistry of natural potassium sodium calcium leonhardite and its cation-exchanged forms 668
- Judy Baker and T.J.B. Holland
- Experimental reversals of chlorite compositions in divariant MgO + Al2O3 + SiO2 + H2O assemblages 676
- J. Longhi and C.M. Bertka
- Graphical analysis of pigeonite-augite liquidus equilibria 685
- Donna L. Whitney, Trudy A. Mechum, Yildirim Dilek, and Scott M. Kuehner
- Modification of garnet by fluid infiltration during regional metamorphism in garnet through sillimanite-zone rocks, Dutchess County, New York 696
- Liping Wang, Youxue Zhang, and Eric J. Essene
- Diffusion of the hydrous component in pyrope 706
- Jonathan Icenhower and David London
- Experimental partitioning of Rb, Cs, Sr, and Ba between alkali feldspar and peraluminous melt 719
- Paola Bonazzi, Silvio Menchetti, and Thomas Reinecke
- Solid solution between piemontite and androsite-(La), a new mineral of the epidote group from Andros Island, Greece 735
- Edward S. Grew, Donald R. Peacor, Roland C. Rouse, Martin G. Yates, Shu-Chun Su, and Nicholas Marquez
- Hyttsjöite, a new, complex layered plumbosilicate with unique tetrahedral sheets from Långban, Sweden 743
- Oded Navon, F.A. Frey, and E. Takazawa
- Magma transport and metasomatism in the mantle: A critical review of current geochemical models---Discussion 754
- Jane E. Nielson and Howard G. Wilshire
- Magma transport and metasomatism in the mantle: A critical review of current geochemical models---Reply to Navon et al. 760
- Bernard W. Evans
- Presentation of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 1995 to William S. Fyfe 771
- William S. Fyfe
- Acceptance of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 1995 773 Read!
- Eric J. Essene and James R. O'Neil
- Presentation of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 1995 to Zachary D. Sharp 775
- Zachary D. Sharp
- Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 1995 777
- Larry A. Haskin
- Memorial of Carl Tolman, 1897--1995 779
created 7 June 1996
Please send comments to T. Labotka