1996, Volume 81, March-April, number 3-4
Journal of the Mineralogical Society of America
- Dan Sykes and J.D. Kubicki
- Four-membered rings in silica and aluminosilicate glasses 265
- Daniel L. Farber and Quentin Williams
- An in situ Raman spectroscopic study of Na2Si2O5 at high pressures and temperatures: Structures of compressed liquids and glasses 273
- D.J. Stein and F.J. Spera
- Molecular dynamics simulations of liquids and glasses in the system NaAlSiO4-SiO2: Physical properties and transport mechanisms 284
- Anatoly B. Belonoshko and Leonid S. Dubrovinsky
- Molecular dynamics of NaCl (B1 and B2) and MgO (B1) melting: Two-phase simulation 303
- Pamela C. Burnley and Alexandra Navrotsky
- Synthesis of high-pressure hydrous magnesium silicates: Observations and analysis 317
- Robert M. Hazen, Robert T. Downs, and Larry W. Finger
- High-pressure crystal chemistry of LiScSiO4: An olivine with nearly isotropic compression 327
- A.R. Pawley, S.A.T. Redfern, and T.J.B. Holland
- Volume behavior of hydrous minerals at high pressure and temperature: I. Thermal expansion of lawsonite, zoisite, clinozoisite, and diaspore 335
- T.J.B. Holland, S.A.T. Redfern, and A.R. Pawley
- Volume behavior of hydrous minerals at high pressure and temperature: II. Compressibilities of lawsonite, zoisite, clinozoisite, and epidote 341
- Martin T. Dove, S. Thayaparam, Volker Heine, and Kenton D. Hammonds
- The phenomenon of low Al-Si ordering temperatures in aluminosilicate framework structures 349
- Hexiong Yang and Joseph R. Smyth
- Crystal structure of a P21/m ferromagnesian cummingtonite at 140 K 363
- Simon A.T. Redfern and C. Michael B. Henderson
- Monoclinic-orthorhombic phase transition in K2MgSi5O12 leucite analog 369
- Richard J. Harrison and Andrew Putnis
- Magnetic properties of the magnetite-spinel solid solution: Curie temperatures, magnetic susceptibilities, and cation ordering 375
- Fabrice Brunet and Torsten Schaller
- Protons in the magnesium phosphates phosphoellenbergerite and holtedahlite: An IR and NMR study 385
- Bernard Charoy, Philippe de Donato, Odile Barres, and Cristina Pinto-Coelho
- Channel occupancy in an alkali-poor beryl from Serra Branca (Goias, Brazil): Spectroscopic characterization 395
- Bernard H. GrobŽty
- New short-range biopyribole polysomes from the Lepontine Alps, Switzerland 404
- A.M. Hofmeister, T.J. Fagan, K.M. Campbell, and R.B. Schaal
- Single-crystal IR spectroscopy of pyrope-almandine garnets with minor amounts of Mn and Ca 418
- G. Ottonello, M. Bokreta, and P.F. Sciuto
- Parameterization of energy and interactions in garnets: End-member properties 429
- Craig S. Schwandt, Randall T. Cygan, and Henry R. Westrich
- Ca self-diffusion in grossular garnet 448
- C. Romano, D.B. Dingwell, H. Behrens, and D. Dolfi
- Compositional dependence of H2O solubility along the joins NaAlSi3O8-KAlSi3O8, NaAlSi3O8-LiAlSi3O8, and KAlSi3O8-LiAlSi3O8 452
- Max W. Schmidt and Alan B. Thompson
- Epidote in calc-alkaline magmas: An experimental study of stability, phase relationships, and the role of epidote in magmatic evolution 462
- Gary L. Cygan, I-Ming Chou, and David M. Sherman
- Reinvestigation of the annite = sanidine + magnetite + H2 reaction using the ÄH2-sensor technique 475
- John M. Ferry
- Three novel isograds in metamorphosed siliceous dolomites from the Ballachulish aureole, Scotland 485
- Albert LŽger, Carolyn Rebbert, and Jim Webster
- Cl-rich biotite and amphibole from Black Rock Forest, Cornwall, New York 495
- Werner Krause, Heinz-JŸrgen Bernhardt, Walter Gebert, Heribert Graetsch, Klaus Belendorff, and Klaus Petitjean
- Medenbachite, Bi2Fe(Cu,Fe)(O,OH)2(OH)2(AsO4)2, a new mineral species: Its description and crystal structure 505
- Y. Nathan
- Mechanism of CO32- substitution in carbonate-fluorapatite: Evidence from FTIR spectroscopy, 13C NMR, and quantum mechanical calculations---Discussion 513
- P. Regnier and R.A. Berner
- Mechanism of CO32- substitution in carbonate-fluorapatite: Evidence from FTIR spectroscopy, 13C NMR, and quantum mechanical calculations---Reply to Nathan 515
- Stephen Guggenheim
- Memorial of Sturges William Bailey, 1919--1994 521
created 24 April 1996
Please send comments to T. Labotka