1995, Volume 80, January-February, number 1-2
Journal of the Mineralogical Society of America
- 197
- G. Artioli, R. Rinaldi, C. C. Wilson, P. F. Zanazzi: High-temperature Fe-Mg cation partitioning in olivine: In-situ single-crystal neutron diffraction study
- 1
- Catherine A. McCammon: Equation of state, bonding character, and phase transition of cubanite, CuFe2S3, studied from 0 to 5 GPa
- 9
- Hexiong Yang, Subrata Ghose: A transitional structural state and anomalous Fe-Mg order-disorder in Mg-rich orthopyroxene, (Mg0.75Fe0.25)2Si2O6
- 21
- Yunxiang Ni, John M. Hughes, Anthony N. Mariano: Crystal chemistry of the monazite and xenotime structures
- 27
- Andrew Locock, Robert W. Luth, Ronald G. Cavell, Dorian G. W. Smith, M. John M. Duke: Spectroscopy of the cation distribution in the schorlomite species of garnet
- 39
- Peter J. Dirken, Arno P. M. Kentgens, Gerda H. Nachtegaal, Ad M. J. Van Der Eerden, J. Ben H. Jansen: Solid-state MAS NMR study of pentameric aluminosilicate groups with 1800 intertetrahedral Al-O-Si angles in zunyite and harkerite
- 46
- J. Stephen Huebner, Roberta G. Dillenburg: Impedance spectra of hot, dry silicate minerals and rock: Qualitative interpretation of spectra
- 65
- Sturges W. Bailey, Jillian F. Banfield, William W. Barker, George Katchan: Dozyite, a 1:1 regular interstratification of serpentine and chlorite
- 78
- Bernardo Cesare, Bernard Grobety: Epitaxial replacement of kyanite by staurolite: A TEM study of the microstructures
- 87
- Huifang Xu, David R. Veblen: Transmission electron microscopy study of optically an isotropic and isotropic hauyne
- 94
- Francois Holtz, Harald Behrens, Donald B. Dingwell, Wilhelm Johannes: H20 solubility in haplogranitic melts: Compositional, pressure, and temperature dependence
- 109
- Jeffrey M. Rosenbaum, Matthew M. Slagel: C-O-H speciation in piston-cylinder experiments
- 115
- Allan H. Treiman: Ca-rich carbonate melts: A regular-solution model, with applications to carbonatite magma + vapor equilibria and carbonate lavas on Venus
- 131
- Cherith M. R. Letargo, William M. Lamb, Jong-Sim Park: Comparison of calcite + dolomite thermometry and carbonate + silicate equilibria: Constraints on the conditions of metamorphism of the Llano uplift, central Texas, U.S.A. Supplemental Data Available
- 144
- Brent E. Owens, Robert F. Dymek: Significance of pyroxene megacrysts for massif anorthosite petrogenesis: Constraints from the Labrieville, Quebec, pluton
- 162
- Bernard E. Lefake, Colin M. Farrow, Roger Townend: K-poor titanian fluor-richterite from near Nullagine, Western Australia
- 165
- Frank C. Hawthorne, Roberta Oberti, Elio Cannillo, Nicola Sardone, Alberto Zanetti, Joel D. Grice, Paul M. Ashley: A new anhydrous amphibole from the Hoskins mine, Grenfell, New South Wales, Australia: Description and crystal structure of ungarettiite, NaNa2[Mn2(2+)Mn3(3+)]Si8O22O2
- 173
- Vongshan Dal, Jeffrey E. Post, Daniel E. Appleman: Crystal structure of minehillite: Twinning and structural relationships to reyerite
- 179
- Anthony R. Kampf, Eugene E. Foord: Artroeite, PbAlF3(OH)2, a new mineral from the Grand Reef mine, Graham County, Arizona: Description and crystal structure
- 184
- 189
- Peter H. Nixon: Memorial of Oleg von Knorring, 1915-1994
- 191
- William E. Benson, Charles B. Sclar: Memorial of Alvin Van Valkenburg, Jr., 1913-1991
- 194
- S. W. Bailey: Memorial of Richard Conrad Emmons, 1898-1993
Date created: 5/18/95
Last modified: 5/18/95
Please send comments to T. Labotka