
  Daniel Nyfeler, Christina Hoffmann, Thomas Armbruster, Martin Kunz, 
  and Eugen Libowitzky
  Orthorhombic Jahn-Teller distortion and Si-OH in mozartite CaMn3+O[SiO3OH]: 
  A single-crystal X-ray, FTIR, and structure modeling
  study                                                     P.841

  Ming Zhang, E.K.H. Salje, M.A. Carpenter, I. Parsons, H. Kroll, S.J.B.
  Reed, and A. Graeme-Barber
  Exsolution and Al-Si disorder in alkali feldspars: Their analysis by infrared
  spectroscopy                                              P.849

  A. Meldrum, L.M. Wang, and R.C. Ewing
  Electron irradiation-induced phase segregation in crystalline and 
  amorphous apatite: A TEM study                            P.858

  Michael E. Fleet and Yuanming Pan
  Site preference of rare earth elements in fluorapatite: 
  Binary (LREE+HREE)-substituted crystals                   P.870

  H. Henry Teng and Patricia M. Dove
  Surface site-specific interactions of aspartate with calcite 
  during dissolution: Implications for biomineralization    P.878

  Takashi Murakami, Toshihiko Ohnuki, Hiroshi Isobe, and Tsutomu Sato
  Mobility of uranium during weathering                     P.888

  M.J. Rinker, H.W. Nesbitt, and A.R. Pratt
  Marcasite oxidation in low-temperature acidic (pH 3.0) solutions:
  Mechanism and rate laws                                   P.900

  Michael Haiber, Pietro Ballone, and Michele Parrinello
  Structure and dynamics of protonated Mg2SiO4: An ab-initio 
  molecular dynamics study                                  P. 913

  A.B. Woodland, C. McCammon, and R.J. Angel
  Intersite partitioning of Mg and Fe in Ca-free high-pressure C2/c 
  clinopyroxene                                             P. 923

  Maria Franca Brigatti, Ermanno Galli, Luca Medici, and Luciano Poppi
  Crystal structure refinement of aluminian lizardite-2H2   P. 931

  Elisa Alietti, Maria Franca Brigatti, and Luciano Poppi
  Clintonite-1M: Crystal chemistry and its relationships to closely 
  associated Al-rich phlogopites                            P. 936

  Victor A. Drits, Ewen Silvester, Anatoli I. Gorshkov, and Alain Manceau
  Structure of monoclinic Na-rich birnessite and hexagonal birnessite: 
  I. Results from X-ray diffraction and selected-area
  electron diffraction                                      P.946

  Ewen Silvester, Alain Manceau, and Victor A. Drits
  Structure of synthetic monoclinic Na-rich birnessite and hexagonal 
  birnessite: II. Results from chemical studies and EXAFS
  spectroscopy                                              P.962

  Michael J. Toplis, Donald B. Dingwell, Kai-Uwe Hess, and Tommaso Lenci
  Viscosity, fragility, and configurational entropy of melts along 
  the join SiO2-NaAlSiO4                                    P. 979

  Allan D. Patchen, Lawrence A. Taylor, and Nikolai Pokhilenko
  Ferrous freudenbergite in ilmenite megacrysts: A unique 
  paragenesis from the Dalnaya kimberlite, Yakutia          P.991

  Alan E. Rubin
  Sinoite (Si2N2O): Crystallization from EL chondrite impact 
  melts                                                     P. 1001

  Hong Zheng and Sturges W. Bailey
  Refinement of the cookeite r structure                    P. 1007

  Christina Hoffmann, Thomas Armbruster, and Gerald Geister
  Acentric structure (P3) of bechererite, 
  Zn7Cu(OH)13[SiO(OH)3SO4]                                  P.1014

  Bernard E. Leake, Alan R. Woolley, Charles E.S. Arps, William D. Birch, 
  M. Charles Gilbert, Joel D. Grice, Frank C. Hawthorne, Akira Kato, 
  Hanan J. Kisch, Vladimir G. Krivovichev, Kees Linthout, Jo Laird, 
  Joseph A Mandarino, Walter V. Maresch, Ernest H. Nickel, 
  Nicholas M.S. Rock, John C. Schumacher, David C. Smith, 
  Nick C.N. Stephenson, Luciano Ungaretti, Eric J.W. Whittaker,
  and Guo Youzhi
  Nomenclature of amphiboles: Report of the Subcommittee on 
  Amphiboles of the International Mineralogical Association, Commission
  on New Minerals and Mineral Names                         P.1019

NEW MINERAL NAMES P.1038 Masami Kanzaki, Yoshito Matsui, and Masanori Matsui A new high-pressure silica phase obtained by molecular dynamics— Discussion P. 1042 Anatoly B. Belonoshko and Leonid S. Dubrovinsky A new high-pressure silica phase obtained by molecular dynamics— Reply P. 1043
MEMORIALS K.H. Wedepohl Memorial of Kurt von Geglen, 1927-1995 P.1044 Howard T. Evans, Jr. Memorial of George E. Ericksen 1920-1996 P. 1046