American Mineralogist, 2002, V 87, N 7.


1000 Surface reconstruction and Aspolymerization at fractured loellingite (FeAs2) surfaces H.W. Nesbitt, I. Uhlig, and R.Szargan 1005 The strength of moissanite Jianzhong Zhang, Liping Wang,Donald J. Weidner, Takeyuki Uchida, and Ji-An Xu 1009 Diamond formation through carbonate-silicate interaction Yuri N. Pal'yanov, Alexander G.Sokol, Yuri M. Borzdov, Alexander F. Khokhryakov, and Nikolay V.Sobolev 1014 Anisotropic Fe-Mg diffusion in biotite Tadashi Usuki 1018 Characterization of a high-pressure phase of silica from the Martian meteorite Shergotty Przemyslaw Dera, Charles T. Prewitt, Nabil Z. Boctor, and Russell J.Hemley

805 Thermal equations of state for B1 and B2 KCl David Walker, Lachlan M.D. Cranswick, Pramod K. Verma, Simon M. Clark, and Stephan Buhre 813 Determination of molar absorptivities for infrared absorption bands of H2O in andesitic glasses Charles W. Mandeville, James D. Webster, Malcolm J. Rutherford, Bruce E. Taylor, Adrian Timbal, and Kevin Faure 822 H2O activity in H2O-N2 fluids at high pressure and temperature measured by the brucite-periclase equilibrium Andreas Haefner, Leonid Y.Aranovich, James A.D. Connolly, and Peter Ulmer 829 Kinetics of iron oxidation-reduction in hydrous silicic melts Fabrice Gaillard, Bruno Scaillet, and Michel Pichavant 838 Kinetics of cation ordering in synthetic MgAl2O4 spinel Giovanni B. Andreozzi and Francesco Princivalle 845 Structural properties and heat-induced oxidation-dehydrogenation of manganoan ilvaite from Perda Niedda mine, Sardinia, Italy Paola Bonazzi and Luca Bindi 853 Ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism in western Tianshan, China: Part I. Evidence from inclusions of coesite pseudomorphs in garnet and from quartz exsolution lamellae in omphacite in eclogites Lifei Zhang, David J. Ellis, and Wenbo Jian 861 Ultra-high pressure metamorphism in western Tianshan, China: Part II. Evidence from magnesite in eclogite Lifei Zhang, David J. Ellis, Samantha Williams, and Wenbo Jiang 867 Discovery of clinoenstatite in garnet pyroxenites from the Dabie-Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane, east-central China Ru Y. Zhang, Yen H. Shau, Juhn G.Liou, and Ching H. Lo 875 Ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) low-Altitanites from carbonate-bearing rocks in Dabieshan-Sulu UHP terrane, eastern China Kai Ye, Jing-Bo Liu, Bo-Lin Cong,Da-Nian Ye, Ping Xu, Soichi Omori, and Shigenori Maruyama 882 Metamictization and recrystallization of titanite: An infrared spectroscopic study Ming Zhang, Ekhard K.H. Salje, Ulrich Bismayer, Lee A. Groat, and Thomas Malcherek 891 Fine structure of infrared OH-stretching bands in natural and heat-treated amphiboles of the tremolite-ferro-actinolite series Kiyotaka Ishida, Frank C. Hawthorne, and Yumi Ando 899 Correlation between OH concentration and oxygen isotope diffusion rate in diopsides from the Adirondack Mountains, New York Elizabeth A. Johnson, George R.Rossman, M. Darby Dyar, and John W. Valley 909 The substitution Fe3+-Al and the isosymmetric displacive phase transition in synthetic zoisite: A powder X-ray and infrared spectroscopy study Axel Liebscher, Matthias Gottschalk, and Gerhard Franz 922 In situ X-ray observation of the reaction dolomite = aragonite + magnesite at 900-1300 K Miki Shirasaka, Eiichi Takahashi, Yu Nishihara, Kyoko Matsukage, and Takumi Kikegawa 931 High-pressure single-crystal X-ray and powder neutron study of F,OH/OD- chondrodite: Compressibility, structure, and hydrogen bonding Alexandra Friedrich, George A. Lager,Peter Ulmer, Martin Kunz, and William G. Marshall 940 Quantitative characterization of biotic iron oxides by analytical electron microscopy D. Mavrocordatos and Danielle Fortin 947 Synthesis and NMR characterization (1H and 31P MAS) of the fluorine-free hydroxylapatite-britholite-(Y) series Juliette Imbach, Fabrice Brunet, Thibault Charpentier, and Joseph Virlet 958 Quantum mechanical calculations of dioctahedral 2:1 phyllosilicates: Effect of octahedral cation distributions in pyrophyllite, illite, and smectite C. Ignacio Sainz-D?az, Vicente Tim?n,Vicente Botella, Emilio Artacho, and Alfonso Hern?ndez-Laguna 966 The nature of disorder in montmorillonite by simulation of X-ray powder patterns Alberto Viani, Alessandro F. Gualtieri, and Gilberto Artioli 976 Ferripedrizite, a new monoclinic BLi amphibole end-member from the Eastern Pedriza Massif, Sierra de Guadarrama, Spain, and a restatement of the nomenclature of Mg-Fe-Mn-Li amphiboles Jos? M. Caballero, Roberta Oberti, and Luisa Ottolini 983 Description and crystal structure of vajdakite, [(Mo6+O2)2(H2O)2As3+2O5] H2O - a new mineral from J?chymov, Czech Republic Petr Ondrus, Roman Sk?la, Ivana C?sarov?, Frantisek Veselovsky, Jir? Fryda, and Jir? Cejka 991 Some remarks on fission-track observational biases and crystallographic orientation effects Rex F. Galbraith 996 NEW MINERAL NAMES John L. Jambor and Andrew C.Roberts 1024 MEMORIAL Stearns A. Morse Memorial of Richard Edwin Stoiber, 1911-2001 1026 BOOK REVIEWS Andrew T. Fisher CRUSTAL HEAT FLOW: A GUIDE TO MEASUREMENT AND MODELING. G.R. Beardsmore and J.P. Cull. Cambridge University Press, 2001, 324 p. Brian Mason MINERALOGICAL TABLES by Hugo Strunz and Ernest H. Nickel. E. SchweizerbartÕsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 2002, Stuttgart, Germany (9th edition). 870 p.