American Mineralogist, 2002, V 87, N 5-6, May-June.


769 Isotopic and elemental partitioning of boron between hydrous fluid and silicate melt Richard L. Hervig, Gordon M. Moore, Lynda B. Williams, Simon M. Peacock, John R. Holloway, and Kurt Roggensack 775 Experimental evidence of three coexisting immiscible fluids in synthetic granitic pegmatite Ilya V. Veksler, Rainer Thomas, and Christian Schmidt 780 Quantifying surface areas of clays by atomic force microscopy Barry R. Bickmore, Kathryn L. Nagy, Paul E. Sandlin, and Terry S. Crater 784 A new high-pressure phase of FeSi David P. Dobson, Lidunka Vocadlo, and Ian G. Wood

593 Formation of secondary pyrite and carbonate minerals in the Lower Williams Lake tailings basin, Elliot Lake, Ontario, Canada A. Dogan Paktunc and Nand K. Dave' 603 Hydroxyl in MgSiO3 akimotoite: A polarized and high-pressure IR study Nathalie Bolfan-Casanova, Hans Keppler, and David C. Rubie 609 High-pressure IR-spectra and the thermodynamic properties of chloritoid Monika Koch-Mu"ller, Anne M. Hofmeister, Yingwei Fei, and Zhenxian Liu 623 Infrared and Raman study of interlayer anions CO32-, NO3-, SO42- and ClO4- in Mg/Al-hydrotalcite J. Theo Kloprogge, David Wharton, Leisel Hickey, and Ray L. Frost 630 Effect of Fe oxidation state on the IR spectra of Garfield nontronite Claire-Isabelle Fialips, Dongfang Huo, Laibin Yan, Jun Wu, and Joseph W. Stucki 642 High-pressure single-crystal X-ray diffraction study of katoite hydrogarnet: Evidence for a phase transition from Ia3d to I-43d symmetry at 5 GPa George A. Lager, Robert T. Downs, Marcus Origlieri, and Rebecca Garoutte 648 The high-temperature P21/c-C2/c phase transition in Fe-free pyroxene (Ca0.15Mg1.85Si2O6): Structural and thermodynamic behavior Mario Tribaudino, Fabrizio Nestola, Fernando Ca'mara, and Maria Chiara Domeneghetti Deposit Item 658 Thermodynamics and stability of pseudobrookite-type MgTi2O5 (karrooite) Dimitrios Xirouchakis, Alexander Smirnov, Kelly Woody, Donald H. Lindsley, and David J. Andersen 668 Molecular orbital calculations on aluminosilicate tricluster molecules: Implications for the structure of aluminosilicate glasses J.D. Kubicki and M.J. Toplis 679 Surface structures, stabilities and growth of magnesian calcites: A computational investigation from the perspective of dolomite formation Nora H. De Leeuw 690 Spinels and other oxides in Mn-rich rocks from the Hutter Mine, Pittsylvania County, Virginia, U.S.A.: Implications for miscibility and solvus relations among jacobsite, galaxite, and magnetite James S. Beard and Robert J. Tracy 699 An occurrence of igneous orthorhombic amphibole, Eriksberg gabbro, southern Sweden Dick T. Claeson and William P. Meurer 709 Crystal chemistry of Cr3+-V3+-rich clinopyroxenes L. Secco, F. Martignago, A. Dal Negro, L.Z. Reznitskii, and E.V. Sklyarov Deposit Item 715 The crystal structures of cesanite and its synthetic analogue - A comparison A. Piotrowski, V. Kahlenberg, R.X. Fischer, Y. Lee, and J.B. Parise 721 Disordered distribution of Cu in the crystal structure of leightonite, K2Ca2Cu(SO4)4 . 2H2O Silvio Menchetti, Luca Bindi, Paola Bonazzi, and Filippo Olmi Deposit Item 726 Neusta"dtelite and cobaltneusta"dtelite, the Fe3+- and Co2+-analogues of medenbachite Werner Krause, Heinz-Ju"rgen Bernhardt, Catherine McCammon, and Herta Effenberger 739 Ciprianiite and mottanaite-(Ce), two new minerals of the hellandite group from Latium (Italy) Giancarlo Della Ventura, Paola Bonazzi, Roberta Oberti, and Luisa Ottolini Deposit Item 745 Re-definition, nomenclature and crystal-chemistry of the hellandite group Roberta Oberti, Giancarlo Della Ventura, Luisa Ottolini, Frank C. Hawthorne, and Paola Bonazzi 753 The new mineral baumstarkite and a structural reinvestigation of aramayoite and miargyrite Herta Effenberger, Werner Hermann Paar, Dan Topa, Alan J. Criddle, and Michel Fleck 765 New Mineral Names John L. Jambor and Andrew C. Roberts

788 Presentation of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2001 to Peter John Wyllie Art Montana 790 Acceptance of the Roebling Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2001 Peter J. Wyllie 794 Presentation of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 2001 to Peter Burns Frank C. Hawthorne 795 Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America Award for 2001 Peter C. Burns 796 Presentation of the Distinguished Public Service Award of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2001 to Jeffery Post Peter Heaney 798 Acceptance of the Mineralogical Society of America's Public Service Medal for 2001 Jeffrey Post 799 Presentation of the Mineralogical Society of America Dana Medal for 2001 to George R. Rossman Paul Asimow 801 Acceptance of the Dana Medal of the Mineralogical Society of America for 2001 George R. Rossman 803 BOOK REVIEW Dexter Perkins EARTH'S MATERIALS: MINERALS AND ROCKS. By Gautam Sen, Prentice-Hall, Inc. New Jersey, 2001, 542 p.