American Mineralogist, 2000, V 85, N 5-6, May-June.


E.J. Catlos, Sorena S. Sorensen, and T. Mark Harrison Th-Pb ion-microprobe dating of allanite 633 Luiz Carlos da Silva, Leo Afraneo Hartmann, Neal J. McNaughton, and Ian Fletcher Zircon U-Pb SHRIMP dating of a Neoproterozoic overprint in Paleoproterozoic granitic-gneissic terranes, southern Brazil 649 Turgay Karali, Nurdogan Can,Peter D. Townsend, Aled P. Rowlands, and John M. Hanchar Radioluminescence and thermoluminescence of rare earth element and phosphorus-doped zircon 668 Francois Holtz, Jacques Roux, Harald Behrens, and Michel Pichavant Water solubility in silica and quartzofeldspathic melts 682 Claire-Isabelle Fialips-Guedon, Jean-Louis Robert, and Francois Delbove Experimental study of Cr incorporation in pargasite 687 Andrei Y. Barkov, Robert F.Martin, Tapio A.A. Halkoaho, and Glenn Poirier The mechanism of charge compensation in Cu-Fe-PGE thiospinels from the Penikat layered intrusion, Finland 694 Giovanni B. Andreozzi, Luisa Ottolini, Sergio Lucchesi, Giorgio Graziani, and Umberto Russo Crystal chemistry of the axinite-group minerals: A multi-analytical approach 698 Mario Tribaudino A transmission electron microscope investigation of the C2/c? P21/c phase transition in clinopyroxenes along the diopside-enstatite (CaMgSi2O6-Mg2Si2O6) join 707 Enver Murad and Janice L. Bishop The infrared spectrum of synthetic akaganeite, b-FeOOH 716 Jane V. Oglesby and Jonathan F. Stebbins 29Si CPMAS NMR investigations of silanol-group minerals and hydrous aluminosilicate glasses 722 Laurence A.J. Garvie, Peter Rez,Jose R. Alvarez, Peter R. Buseck, Alan J. Craven, and Rik Brydson Bonding in alpha-quartz (SiO2): A view of the unoccupied states 732 Shan-Li Wang and Cliff T. Johnston Assignment of the structural OH stretching bands of gibbsite 739 Steven D. Jacobsen, Joseph R. Smyth, R. Jeffrey Swope, and Robert I. Sheldon Two proton positions in the very strong hydrogen bond of serandite, NaMn2[Si3O8(OH)] 745 David Virgo and Robert K. Popp Hydrogen deficiency in mantle-derived phlogopites 753 T. Nagai, T. Hattori, and T. Yamanaka Compression mechanism of brucite: An investigation by structural refinement under pressure 760 Sean R. Shieh, Ho-kwang Mao, Jurgen Konzett, and Russell J.Hemley In-situ high pressure X-ray diffraction of phase E to 15 GPa 765 Robert M. Hazen, Michelle B. Weinberger, Hexiong Yang, and Charles T. Prewitt Comparative high-pressure crystal chemistry of wadsleyite, b-(Mg1-xFex )2SiO4, with x = 0 and 0.25 770 Robert M. Hazen, Hexiong Yang, and Charles T. Prewitt High-pressure crystal chemistry of Fe3+-wadsleyite, b-Fe2.33Si0.67O4 778 Petra Scheuermann, Ali Kutoglu, Michael Schosnig, and Edgar Hoffer Structure and stability of the high-pressure phase, Ca3TiSi2(Al,Ti,Si)3 O14 784 Liping Wang, Roland C. Rouse, Eric J. Essene, Donald R. Peacor, and Youxue Zhang Carmichaelite, a new hydroxyl-bearing titanate from Garnet Ridge, Arizona 792 Peter C. Burns A new uranyl phosphate chain in the structure of parsonsite 801 Joel D. Grice and Pete J. Dunn Crystal-structure determination of pinalite 806 Paulus B. Moore, Anthony R.Kampf, and P.K. Sen Gupta The crystal structure of philolithite, a trellis-like open framework based on cubic closest-packing of anions 810 D. Banerjee and H.W. Nesbitt XPS study of reductive dissolution of birnessite by H2SeO3 with constraints on reaction mechanism 817 Bruno Lanson, Victor A. Drits, Ewen Silvester, and Alain Manceau Structure of H-exchanged hexagonal birnessite and its mechanism of formation from Na-rich monoclinic buserite at low pH 826 Helge Stanjek and Julius Schneider Anisotropic peak broadening analysis of a biogenic soil greigite (Fe3S4) with Rietveld analysis and single peak fitting 839 Thomas Witzke, Reinhard Wegner, Thomas Doering, Herbert Pollmann, and Walter Schuckmann Serrabrancaite, MnPO4·H2O, a new mineral from the Alto Serra Branca pegmatite, Pedra Lavrada, Paraiba, Brazil 847 H.W. Nesbitt, M. Scaini, H.Hochst, G.M. Bancroft, A.G.Schaufuss, and R. Szargan Synchrotron XPS evidence for Fe2+S and Fe3+S surface species on pyrite fracturesurfaces, and their 3D electronic states 850

Kathryn A. Schubel, David C. Elbert, and David R. Veblen Incommensurate c-domain superstructures in calcian dolomite from the Latemar buildup, Dolomites, Northern Italy 858 Qiang Zeng and Jonathan F.Stebbins Fluoride sites in aluminosilicate glasses: High-resolution 19F NMR results 863 R. Thomas Determination of water contents of granite melt inclusions by confocal laser Raman microprobe spectroscopy 868 NEW MINERAL NAMES 873 BOOK REVIEWS 878 ERRATA 879