American Mineralogist, 2002, V 87, N 4, April.


373 Introduction to the Michael J. Holdaway commemorative issue Barbara L. Dutrow

375 Titanium in biotite from metapelitic rocks: Temperature effects, crystal- chemical controls, and petrologic applications Darrell J. Henry and Charles V. Guidotti 383 Local equilibrium in polymetamorphic gneiss and the titanium substitution in biotite D.J. Waters and N.R. Charnley 397 The enthalpy of formation and internally consistent thermodynamic data of Mg-staurolite Klaus-D. Grevel, Alexandra Navrotsky, Thomas Fockenberg, and Juraj Majzlan 405 Coexisting andalusite, kyanite, and sillimanite: Sequential formation of three Al2SiO5 polymorphs during progressive metamorphism near the triple point, Sivrihisar, Turkey, Donna L. Whitney 417 Co-existing aluminum silicates in quartz veins: A quantitative approach for determining andalusite-sillimanite equilibrium in natural samples using oxygen isotopes Aaron J. Cavosie, Zachary D. Sharp, and J. Selverstone 424 Stability of corundum + quartz relative to kyanite and sillimanite at high temperature and pressure Daniel E. Harlov and Ralf Milke 433 Andalusite-sillimanite replacement (Mazarro'n, SE Spain): A microstructural and TEM study Bernardo Cesare, Maria Teresa Go'mez-Pugnaire, Antonio Sa'nchez-Navas, and Bernard Grobety 445 Hydroxyl-rich topaz in high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure kyanite quartzites, with retrograde woodhouseite, from the Sulu terrane, eastern China Ru Y. Zhang, Juhn G. Liou, and Jin F. Shu 454 Coesite exsolution from supersilicic titanite in UHP marble from the Kokchetav Massif, northern Kazakhstan Yoshihide Ogasawara, Kyoka Fukasawa, and Shigenori Maruyama 462 Composition of synthetic tremolite-tschermakite solid solutions in amphibole + anorthite- and amphibole + zoisite-bearing assemblages Jens Najorka, Matthias Gottschalk, and Wilhelm Heinrich 478 Paragenesis and thermobarometry of Ca-amphiboles in the Barcroft granodioritic pluton, central White Mountains, eastern California W.G. Ernst 491 B and Li in Proterozoic metapelites from the Black Hills, U.S.A.: Implications for the origin of leucogranitic magmas Max Wilke, Peter I. Nabelek, and Michael D. Glascock 501 The role of Fe and cation order in the crystal chemistry of surinamite, (Mg,Fe2+)3(Al,Fe3+)3O [AlBeSi3O15]: A crystal structure, Mo"ssbauer spectroscopic, and optical spectroscopic study Jacques Barbier, Edward S. Grew, Elke Ha*lenius, Ulf Ha*lenius, and Martin G. Yates 514 Fe3+ and Fe2+ partitioning among silicates in metapelites: A synchrotron micro- XANES study M. Darby Dyar, Emily W. Lowe, Charles V. Guidotti, and Jeremy S. Delaney 523 Thermodynamic and structural behavior of analcime-leucite analogue systems Guy L. Hovis, Jacques Roux, and Elizabeth Rodrigues

533 In-situ synchrotron study of the kinetics, thermodynamics, and reaction mechanisms of the hydrothermal crystallization of gyrolite, Ca16Si24O60(OH)8·14H2O Samuel Shaw, C. Michael B. Henderson, and Simon M. Clark 542 The crystal structures of grossular and spessartine between 100 and 600 K and the crystal chemistry of grossular-spessartine solid solutions Uta Rodehorst, Charles A. Geiger, and Thomas Armbruster
Deposit Item
550 The structures of becquerelite and Sr-exchanged becquerelite Peter C. Burns and Yaping Li 558 Elasticity and equation of state of orthoenstatite, MgSiO3 Ross J. Angel and Jennifer M. Jackson 562 Reidite: An impact-produced high-pressure polymorph of zircon found in marine sediments Billy P. Glass, Shaobin Liu, and Peter B. Leavens 566 A new polymorph of eucryptite (LiAlSiO4), e-eucryptite, and thermal expansion of a- and e-eucryptite at high pressure Jianzhong Zhang, Aaron Celestian, John B. Parise, Hongwu Xu, and Peter J. Heaney 572 Disordering during melting: An 17O NMR Study of crystalline and glassy CaTiSiO5 (titanite) Scott Kroeker, David Rice, and Jonathan F. Stebbins 580 Characterization of Mn oxides in cemented streambed crusts from Pinal Creek, Arizona, U.S.A., and in hot-spring deposits from Yuno-Taki Falls, Hokkaido, Japan Halka Bilinski, Rudolf Giovanoli, Akira Usui, and Darko Hanzel

592Garrison Sposito ENVIRONMENTAL MINERALOGY: MICROBIAL INTERACTIONS, ANTHROPOGENIC INFLUENCES, CONTAMINATED LAND, AND WASTE MANAGEMENT. J.D. Cotter-Howells, L.S. Campbell, E. Valsami-Jones, and M. Batchelder, Eds. (2000) The Mineralogical Society Series, no. 9, 414 p. 592 ERRATUM Polysomatism in ho"gbomite: The crystal structures of 10T, 12H, 14T, and 24R polysomes by Clivia Hejny and Thomas Armbruster (v. 87, pages 277-292, 2002).