An International Journal of Earth and Planetary
Vol. 83, No. 3-4
March-April 1998
A.B. Woodland and R.J. Angel
Crystal structure of a new spinelloid with the wadsleyite structure in the system Fe2SiO4-Fe3O4 and implications for the Earth's mantle, 404
L.Y. Aranovich and R.C. Newton
Reversed determination of the
reaction: Phlogopite + quartz = enstatite + potassium feldspar +
H2O in the ranges 750-875 ºC and 2-12 kbar at low
H2O activity with concentrated KCl soluctions,
T.B. Bai and A.F. Koster van Groos
Phase relations in the system
MgO-NaCl-H2O: The dehydroxylation of brucite in the
presence of NaCl-H2O fluids, 205
Andrea M. Koziol and Robert C. Newton
Experimental determination of
the reaction: Magnesite + enstatite = forsterite + CO2 in
the ranges 6-25 kbar and 700-1100 ºC, 213
Thomas Fockenberg
An experimental study of the
pressure-temperature stability of MgMgAl-pumpellyite in the system
Jennifer M. Pickering, Brandon E. Schwab, and A. Dana Johnston
Off-center hot spots: Double
thermocouple determination of the thermal gradient in a 1.27 cm (1/2
in.) CaF2 piston-cylinder furnace assembly, 228
D.B. Dingwell, K.-U. Hess, and C. Romano
Viscosity data for hydrous
peraluminous granitic melts: Comparison with a metaluminous
model, 236
Akiko Nagasaki and Masaki Enami
Sr-bearing zoisite and epidote
in ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphic rocks from the Su-Lu
province, eastern China: An important Sr reservoir under UHP
conditions, 240
Fritz Finger, Igor Broska, Malcolm P. Roberts, and Andreas Schermaier
Replacement of primary
monazite by apatite-allanite-epidote coronas in an amphibolite facies
granite gneiss from the eastern Alps, 248
Hans-Jürgen Förster
The chemical composition of
REE-Y-Th-U-rich accessory minerals in peraluminous granites of the
Erzgebirge-Fichtelgebirge region, Germany, Part I: The
monazite-(Ce)-brabantite solid solution series, 259
Martin Radvanec, Shohei Banno, and W.G. Ernst
Chemical microstructure of
Franciscan jadeite from Pacheco Pass, California, 273
Jianzhong Zhang, Isabelle Martinez, Francois Guyot, and Richard J. Reeder
Effects of Mg-Fe2+
substitution in calcite-structure carbonates: Thermoelastic
properties, 280
Hexiong Yang, Robert M. Hazen, Charles T. Prewitt, Larry W. Finger, Ren Lu, and Russell J. Hemley
High-pressure single-crystal
X-ray diffraction and infrared spectroscopic studies of the
C2/m-P21/m phase transition in
cummingtonite, 288
Delphine Cabaret, Philippe Sainctavit, Philippe Ildefonse, and Anne-Marie Flank
Full multiple scattering
calculations of the X-ray absorption near edge structure at the
magnesium K-edge in pyroxene, 300
H.W. Nesbitt and D. Banerjee
Interpretation of XPS Mn(2p)
spectra of Mn oxyhydroxides and constraints on the mechanism of
MnO2 precipitation, 305
M.J. Scaini, G.M. Bancroft, and S.W. Knipe
Reactions of aqueous
Au1+ sulfide species with pyrite as a function of pH and
temperature, 316
François Farges
Mineralogy of the Louvres
Merovingian garnet cloisonné jewelry: Origins of the gems of
the first kings of France, 323
Andrzej Grzechnik and Paul F. McMillan
Temperature dependence of the
OH- absorption in SiO2 glass and melt to 1975 K,
Yeongkyoo Kim and R. James Kirkpatrick
multi-nuclear NMR investigation of analcime, 339
Jillian F. Banfield and Takashi Murakami
transmission electron microscope evidence for the mechanism by which
chlorite weathers to 1:1 semi-regular chlorite-vermiculite,
Toshihiro Kogure and Takashi Murakami
Structure and formation
mechanism of low-angle grain boundaries in chlorite, 358
Mihály Pósfai and Margareta Sundberg
Stacking disorder and
polytypism in enargite and luzonite, 365
Mihály Pósfai and Peter R. Buseck
Relationships between
microstructure and composition in enargite and luzonite,
Halil Sarp and Radovan Cerny
Description and crystal
structure of Yvonite, Cu(AsO3OH)2H2O,
Mark A. Cooper, Frank C. Hawthorne, Andrew C. Roberts, Joel D. Grice, John A.R. Stirling, and Elizabeth A. Moffatt
Georgeericksenite, Na6CaMg(IO3)6(CrO4)2(H2O)12, a new mineral from Oficina Chacabuco, Chile: Description and crystal structure, 390
New Mineral Names 400