1996, Volume 81 November-December
Journal of the Mineralogical Society of America
Volume 81, N11-12 1996
Jiuhua Chen, Rui Li, John B. Parise, and Donald J. Weidner
Pressure induced ordering in (Ni,Mg)2SiO4 olivine 1519
Simon C. Kohn
The solubility of water in nominally anhydrous mantle minerals using
1H MAS NMR 1523
Martin Kunz, Dimitrios Xirouchakis, Donald H. Lindsley, and Daniel
High pressure phase transition in titanite (CaTiOSiO4) 1527
Bjorn Mysen
Phosphorus speciation changes across the glass transition in
polymerized alkali silicate glasses and melts 1531
Udo Becker, Michael F. Hochella Jr., and Edoardo Aprá
The electronic structure of hematite {001} surfaces: Applications to
the interpretation of STM images and heterogeneous surface reactions
J.F. Stebbins
Magnesium site exchange in forsterite: A direct measurement by
high-temperature 25Mg NMR spectroscopy 1315
C. Closmann, E. Knittle, and F. Bridges
An XAFS study of the crystal chemistry of Fe in orthopyroxene
Stuart A. Hayward and Ekhard K.H. Salje
Displacive phase transition in anorthoclase: The plateau effect and
the effect of T1-T2 ordering on the transition temperature 1332
Piera Benna, Mario Tribaudino, and Emiliano Bruno
The structure of ordered and disordered lead feldspar (PbAl2Si2O8)
Robert T. Downs, Aaron Andalman, and Marc Hudacsko
The coordination numbers of Na and K atoms in low albite and
microcline as determined from a procrystal electron-density
distribution 1344
Mark D. Welch, Paul F. Schofield, Gordon Cressey, and Chris J. Stanley
Cation ordering in lead-molybdenum-vanadium oxychlorides 1350
Huifang Xu and David R. Veblen
Superstructures and domain structures in natural and synthetic
kalsilite 1360
Huifang Xu and Peter R. Buseck
TEM investigation of the domain structure and superstructure in
hillebrandite, Ca2SiO3(OH)2 1371
Ishmael Hassan
Direct observation of phase transitions in aluminate sodalite,
Ca8[Al12O24](CrO4)2 1375
S.L. Cady, H.-R. Wenk, and K.H. Downing
HRTEM of microcrystalline opal in chert and porcelanite from the
Monterey Formation, California 1380
Huifang Xu, Yiqiang Zhang, and David R. Veblen
Periodic and nonperiodic interstratification in the chlorite-biotite
series 1396
LubomĚr Smrcok and LubomĚr Benco
Ab initio periodic Hartree-Fock study of lizardite 1T 1405
Tim Holland and Roger Powell
Thermodynamics of order-disorder in minerals: I. Symmetric formalism
applied to minerals of fixed composition 1413
Tim Holland and Roger Powell
Thermodynamics of order-disorder in minerals: II. Symmetric formalism
applied to solid solutions 1425
Aurora Pun and James J. Papike
Unequilibrated eucrites and the equilibrated Juvinas eucrite: Pyroxene
REE systematics and major, minor, and trace element zoning
C. Waters and A.E. Boudreau
A reevaluation of crystal-size distributions in chromite cumulates
Helen M. Lang
Pressure-temperature-reaction history of metapelitic rocks from the
Maryland Piedmont on the basis of correlated garnet zoning and
plagioclase-inclusion composition 1460-1475
Raymond Jonckheere and Peter Van den haute
Observations on the geometry of etched fission tracks in apatite:
Implications for models of track revelation 1476
Paola Bonazzi and Fiorenzo Mazzi
Bottinoite, Ni(H2O)6[Sb(OH)6]2: Crystal structure, twinning, and
hydrogen-bond model 1494
Mizuhiko Akizuki, Yasuhiro Kudoh, and Takahiro Kuribayashi
Crystal structures of the {011}, {610}, and {010} growth sectors in
brewsterite 1501
Marcus Nowak, Harald Behrens, and Wilhelm Johannes
A new type of high-temperature, high-pressure cell for spectroscopic
studies of hydrous silicate melts 1507