American Mineralogist, 2003, V 88, N 10, October.


1601 An assessment of nuclear microprobe analyses of B in silicate minerals Henrik Skogby, Per Kristiansson, and Ulf Halenius 1605 Incommensurate phase in the kosmochlor-diopside join: A new polymorph of clinopyroxene Shizue Sakamoto, Norimasa Shimobayashi, and Masao Kitamura 1608 Elastic properties of hydrous ringwoodite Jingyun Wang, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, Toru Inoue, and Jay D. Bass 1612 Thermochemistry of guest-free melanophlogite Alexandra Navrotsky, Hongwu Xu, Eric C. Moloy, and Mark D. Welch 1615 A simple model for the pressure preservation index of inclusions in diamond L.M. Barron

1401 Preface to the Hydrous Minerals at High Pressure Special Issue Mark Welch and George Lager 1402 Structural systematics of hydrous ringwoodite and water in Earth's interior Joseph R. Smyth, Christopher M. Holl, Daniel J. Frost, Steven D. Jacobsen, Falko Langenhorst, and Catherine A. McCammon 1408 Compressibility of phase Egg AlSiO3OH: Equation of state and role of water at high pressure Carine B. Vanpeteghem, Eiji Ohtani, Tadashi Kondo, Kenichi Takemura, and Takumi Kikegawa 1412 Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy of OH-chondrodite and OH-clinohumite at high pressure Zhenxian Liu, George A. Lager, Russell J. Hemley, and Nancy L. Ross 1416 Structural deformation mechanisms of zeolites under pressure Rossella Arletti, Orazio Ferro, Simona Quartieri, Alessandra Sani, Gloria Tabacchi, and Giovanna Vezzalini 1423 Variation of hydrogen bonded OO distances in goethite at high pressure Takaya Nagai, Hiroyuki Kagi, and Takamitsu Yamanaka 1428 Pressure-controlled polytypism in hydrous layered materials Przemyslaw Dera, Charles T. Prewitt, Stefanie Japel, David L. Bish, and Cliff T. Johnston 1436 OH- in synthetic and natural coesite Monika Koch-Muller, Przemyslaw Dera, Yingwei Fei, Barry Reno, Nikolai Sobolev, Erik Hauri, and Richard Wysoczanski 1446 Pressure-induced phase transformation of kalicinite (KHCO3) at 2.8 GPa and local structural changes around hydrogen atoms Hiroyuki Kagi, Takaya Nagai, John S. Loveday, Chisato Wada, and John B. Parise 1452 Potential docking sites and positions of hydrogen in high-pressure silicates Nancy L. Ross, G.V. Gibbs, and Kevin M. Rosso 1460 Contrasting bonding behavior of two hydroxyl-bearing metamorphic minerals under pressure: clinozoisite and topaz Scott Edwin Bradbury and Quentin Williams

1471 Experimental investigation of crystallization kinetics in a haplogranite system Susan Couch 1486 Assessment of cation substitutions along the gallium and fluorine analogue of the tremolite-glaucophane join Michael S. Pavlovich Jr. and David M. Jenkins 1496 Experimental hydrothermal alteration of partially metamict zircon Thorsten Geisler, Robert T. Pidgeon, Reinhardt Kurtz, Wilhelm van Bronswijk, and Helmut Schleicher 1514 On the origin of size-dependent and size-independent crystal growth: Influence of advection and diffusion Daniel E. Kile and D.D. Eberl 1522 Ordering in spinels—A Monte Carlo study M. Yu. Lavrentiev, J. A. Purton, and N.L. Allan 1532 Single-crystal in situ high-temperature structural investigation of the I1 - I2/c phase transition in Ca0.2Sr0.8Al2Si2O8 feldspar Piera Benna and Emiliano Bruno 1542 New clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometers for mafic, evolved, and volatile-bearing lava compositions, with applications to lavas from Tibet and the Snake River Plain, Idaho Keith D. Putirka, Haig Mikaelian, Frederick Ryerson, and Henry Shaw 1555 Fe and Ni impurities in synthetic diamond Yue Meng, Matthew Newville, Steve Sutton, John Rakovan, and Ho-Kwang Mao 1560 Phase transformations and reaction kinetics during the temperature-induced oxidation of natural olivine Alessandro F. Gualtieri, Mauro Gemmi, and Monica Dapiaggi 1575 Thermal infrared spectroscopy and modeling of experimentally shocked plagioclase feldspars Jeffrey R. Johnson, Friedrich Horz, and Matthew I. Staid 1583 Oxygen isotopic composition of nano-scale uraninite at the Oklo-Okelobondo natural fission reactors, Gabon Mostafa Fayek, Satoshi Utsunomiya, Rodney C. Ewing, Lee R. Riciputi, and Keld A. Jensen 1591 Clinopyroxenite from the Sulu ultrahigh-pressure terrane, eastern China: Origin and evolution of garnet exsolution in clinopyroxene Ru Y. Zhang and Juhn G. Liou 1620 New minerals approved in 2002 and nomenclature modifications approved 1998-2002 by the Commission on New Minerals and Mineral Names, International Mineralogical Association Joel D. Grice (Chairman-Emeritus, CNMMN) and Giovanni Ferraris (Vice-Chairman, CNMMN) 1625 Diopside + F-rich phlogopite at high P and T: Systematics, crystal chemistry and the stability of KMgF3, clinohumite and chondrodite George E. Harlow 1626 NEW MINERAL NAMES John L. Jambor and Andrew C. Roberts 1630 BOOK REVIEWS NOBLE GASES IN GEOCHEMISTRY AND COSMOCHEMISTRY by D. Porcelli, C. J. Ballentine, and R. Wieler (eds.). Mineralogical Society of America Reviews in Mineralogy, Vol. 47, 2002, 844 p. Minoru Ozima 1632 ERRATUM High-pressure crystal structure of kosmochlor, NaCrSi2O6, and systematics of anisotropic compression in pyroxenes Marcus J. Origlieri, Robert T. Downs, Richard M. Thompson, Carolyn J.S. Pommier, M. Bonner Denton, and George E. Harlow (v. 88, pages 1025-1032).