American Mineralogist, 2004, V 89, N 1.


239 Novel phase transition in orthoenstatite Jennifer M. Jackson, Stanislav V. Sinogeikin, Michael A. Carpenter, and Jay D. Bass 245 In situ observation of the thermal decomposition of weddelite by heating stage environmental scanning electron microscopy J. Theo Kloprogge, Thor E. Bostrom, and Matt L. Weier

1 Indialite in xenolithic rocks from Somma-Vesuvius volcano (Southern Italy): Crystal chemistry and petrogenetic features Giuseppina Balassone, Enrico Franco, Carlo Andrea Mattia, and Raffaella Puliti 7 Coexisting chromian omphacite and diopside in tremolite schist from the Chugoku Mountains, SW Japan: The effect of Cr on the omphacite-diopside immiscibility gap Tatsuki Tsujimori and Juhn G. Liou 15 2111 biopyribole intermediate between pyroxene and amphibole: Artifact or natural product? Hiromi Konishi, Reijo Alviola, and Peter R. Buseck 20 Coexisting clinopyroxene/spinel and amphibole/spinel symplectites in metatroctolites from the Buck Creek ultramafic body, North Carolina Blue Ridge Helen M. Lang, Aletha J. Wachter, Virginia L. Peterson, and Jeffrey G. Ryan 31 The T-X dependence of the isosymmetric displacive phase transition in synthetic Fe3+-Al zoisite: A temperature-dependent infrared spectroscopy study Axel Liebscher and Matthias Gottschalk 39 A kinetic study of the exsolution of pentlandite (Ni,Fe)9S8 from the monosulfide solid solution (Fe,Ni)S Barbara Etschmann, Allan Pring, Andrew Putnis, Benjamin A. Grguric, and Andrew Studer 51 Single-crystal plagioclase feldspar dissolution rates measured by vertical scanning interferometry Rolf S. Arvidson, Mikala S. Beig, and Andreas Luttge 57 A simple empirical method for high-quality electron microprobe analysis of fluorine at trace levels in Fe-bearing minerals and glasses Jeffrey B. Witter and Scott M. Kuehner 64 Constraints on mingling of crystal populations from off-center zoning profiles: A statistical approach Glen S. Wallace and George W. Bergantz 74 Pyribole evolution during tremolite synthesis from oxides Krassimir N. Bozhilov, David M. Jenkins, and David R. Veblen 85 Solution calorimetric determination of the enthalpies of formation of NH4-bearing minerals buddingtonite and tobelite Guy L. Hovis, Daniel Harlov, and Matthias Gottschalk 94 Dehydration dynamics of bikitaite: Part I. In situ synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction study Orazio Ferro, Simona Quartieri, Giovanna Vezzalini, Chiara Ceriani, Ettore Fois, Aldo Gamba, and Giuseppe Cruciani 102 Dehydration dynamics of bikitaite: Part II. Ab initio molecular dynamics study Chiara Ceriani, Ettore Fois, Aldo Gamba, Gloria Tabacchi, Orazio Ferro, Simona Quartieri, and Giovanna Vezzalini 110 Phosphate mineral associations in the Canada pegmatite (Salamanca, Spain): Paragenetic relationships, chemical compositions, and implications for pegmatite evolution Encarnacion Roda, Alfonso Pesquera, Francois Fontan, and Paul Keller 126 An improved equation for crystal size distribution in second-phase influenced aggregates Alfons Berger 132 Vibrational spectroscopy of pyrope-majorite garnets: Structural implications A.M. Hofmeister, P.A. Giesting, B. Wopenka, G.D. Gwanmesia, and B.L. Jolliff 147 The modulated crystal structure of antigorite: The m = 17 polysome Giancarlo Capitani and Marcello Mellini 159 Structural variations in mercurian tetrahedrite Franklin F. Foit Jr. and John M. Hughes 164 A computational investigation of the Al/Fe/Mg order-disorder behavior in the dioctahedral sheet of phyllosilicates Erika J. Palin, Martin T. Dove, Alfonso Hernandez-Laguna, and C. Ignacio Sainz-Diaz 176 Investigation of Al/Si ordering in tetrahedral phyllosilicate sheets by Monte Carlo simulation Erika J. Palin and Martin T. Dove 185 Equations of state of ZrSiO4 phases in the upper mantle Shigeaki Ono, Yoshinori Tange, Ikuo Katayama, and Takumi Kikegawa 189 High-pressure behavior, transformation and crystal structure of synthetic iron-free pigeonite Fabrizio Nestola, Mario Tribaudino, and Tiziana Boffa Ballaran 197 In situ determination of the compressibility of synthetic pure zircon (ZrSiO4) and the onset of the zircon-reidite phase transition Wim van Westrenen, Mark R. Frank, John M. Hanchar, Yingwei Fei, Robert J. Finch, and Chang-Sheng Zha 204 Halite-sylvite thermoelasticity David Walker, Pramod K. Verma, Lachlan M.D. Cranswick, Raymond L. Jones, Simon M. Clark, and Stephan Buhre 211 Spiral growth of grossular under hydrothermal conditions Ralf Milke 219 Incomplete retention of radiation damage in zircon from Sri Lanka Lutz Nasdala, Peter W. Reiners, John I. Garver, Allen K. Kennedy, Richard A. Stern, Etienne Balan, and Richard Wirth 232 Shirozulite, KMn32+(Si3Al)O10(OH)2, a new manganese-dominant trioctahedral mica: Description and crystal structure Kiyotaka Ishida, Frank C. Hawthorne, and Fumitoshi Hirowatari 248 ERRATUM The distribution of zeolites and their effects on the performance of a nuclear waste repository at Yucca Mountain, Nevada, U.S.A. by D.L. Bish, D.T. Vaniman, S.J. Chipera, and J.W. Carey (November-December 2003, vol. 88, no. 11-12, Part 2, 1889-1902). 249 NEW MINERAL NAMES John L. Jambor, and Andrew C. Roberts 254 BOOK REVIEW Martine C. Duff APPLICATIONS OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION IN LOW-TEMPERATURE GEOCHEMISTRY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE. P.A. Fenter, M.L. Rivers, N. C. Sturchio, and S.R. Sutton, Eds., Reviews in Mineralogy & Geochemistry, 2002, vol. 49, 579 p. Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, D.C.