

An International Journal of Earth and Planetary Materials

Vol. 83, No. 1-2

January-February 1998

Robert F. Dymek and Anne M. Hofmeister

American Mineralogist in Transition 1


Michael A. Carpenter, Ekhard K.H. Salje, Ann Graeme-Barber, Bernd Wruck, Martin T. Dove, and Kevin S. Knight

Calibration of excess thermodynamic properties and elastic constant variations due to the alpha arrow beta phase transition in quartz 2

Orson L. Anderson

Thermoelastic properties of MgSiO3 perovskite as the Debye approach 23

Gordon Moore, Torsten Vennemann, and I.S.E. Carmichael

An empirical model for the solubility of H2O in magmas to 3 kilobars 36

Marcus Nowak and Hans Keppler

The influence of water on the environment of transition metals in silicate glasses 43

Alison R. Pawley

The reaction talc + forsterite = enstatite + H2O: New experimental results and petrological implications 51

V. Sucha, F. Elsass, D. D. Eberl, L'. Kuchta, J. Madejová, W. P. Gates, and P. Komadel

Hydrothermal synthesis of ammonium illite 58

X. Xia, D.J. Weidner, and H. Zhao

Equation of state of brucite: Single-crystal Brillouin spectroscopy study and polycrystalline pressure-volume-temperature measurement 68

Cliff T. Johnston, Jozef Helsen, Robert A. Schoonheydt, David L. Bish, and Stephen F. Agnew

Single-crystal Raman spectroscopic study of dickite 75

Mark D. Welch, Shuangxi Liu, and Jacek Klinowski

29Si MAS NMR systematics of calcic and sodic-calcic amphiboles 85

Victor A. Drits, Bruno Lanson, Anatoli I. Gorshkov, and Alain Manceau

Substructure and superstructure of four-layer Ca-exchanged birnessite 97

Daniel Nyfeler and Thomas Armbruster

Silanol groups in minerals and inorganic compounds 119

Deane K. Smith, Andrew C. Roberts, Peter Bayliss, and Friedrich Liebau

A systematic approach to general and structure-type formulas for minerals and other inorganic phases 126

Asahiko Sugaki and Arashi Kitakaze

High form of pentlandite and its thermal stability 133

K. Wright, G.W. Watson, S.C. Parker, and D.J. Vaughan

Simulation of the structure and stability of sphalerite (ZnS) surfaces 141

Steven K. Lower, Patricia A. Maurice, Samuel J. Traina, and Ernest H. Carlson

Aqueous Pb sorption by hydroxylapatite: Applications of atomic force microscopy to dissolution, nucleation, and growth studies 147

Mario Tribaudino, Piera Benna, and Emiliano Bruno

Structural variations induced by thermal treatment in lead feldspar (PbAl2Si2O8) 159

José M. Caballero, Angeles Monge, Angel La Iglesia, and Fernando Tornos

Ferri-clinoholmquistite, Li2(Fe2+, Mg)3 Fe23+ Si8O22(OH)2, a new BLi clinoamphibole from the Pedriza Massif, Sierra de Guadarrama, Spanish Central System 167

William D. Birch, Allan Pring, E. Maude McBriar, Bryan M. Gatehouse, and Catherine A. McCammon

Bamfordite, Fe3+ Mo2O6(OH)3·H2O, a new hydrated iron molybdenum oxyhydroxide from Queensland, Australia: Description and crystal chemistry 172

Gerald Giester, Yunxiang Ni, Dieter Jarosch, John M. Hughes, Jørn Rønsbo, Zhuming Yang, and Josef Zemann

Cordylite-(Ce): A crystal chemical investigation of material from four localities, including type material 178

John L. Jambor, Edward S. Grew and Andrew C. Roberts

New Mineral Names 185